ODSA for Java Developers (Part 2) — Connecting to Oracle ADB from a Spring Boot 3.0 App with Spring Data JPA on Azure App Service

Juarez Junior
Oracle Developers
Published in
9 min readDec 6, 2022


Oracle Database Service for Microsoft Azure (ODSA)

by Juarez Junior


Part 1 in this series introduced the Oracle Database Service for Microsoft Azure (ODSA), its benefits concerning a multi-cloud strategy, and an example of accessing it from a Java application with the JDBC API.

This blog post will explore another scenario with ODSA and a Spring Boot 3.0 application with Spring Data JPA on Azure App Service.

Without further ado, let’s get started!


Connect to your ADB instance on ODSA and run the DDL script

First, you must connect to the ADB instance on ODSA created in Part 1 of this series and execute the DDL script to create the tables for our sample Spring Boot application.

