Quickstart: MongoDB with Oracle Application Container & Developer Cloud

Abhishek Gupta
Oracle Developers
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2017

This blog will demonstrate how to get started with a simple MongoDB based application

  • Run it on Oracle Application Container cloud
  • Unit test and CI/CD using Oracle Developer cloud
  • Our MongoDB instance will run in a Docker container on Oracle Container cloud


The sample project is relatively simple

  • Its uses JPA to define the data layer along with Hibernate OGM
  • Fongo (in-memory Mongo DB) is used for unit testing
  • Jersey (the JAX-RS implementation) is used to provide a REST interface

You can check out the project here

MongoDB, Hibernate OGM

MongoDB is an open source, document-based, distributed database.. More information here. Hibernate OGM is a framework which helps you use JPA (Java Persistence API) to work with NoSQL stores instead of RDBMS (which JPA was designed for)

  • It has support for a variety of NoSQL stores (document, column, key-value, graph)
  • NoSQL databases it supports include MongoDB (as demonstrated in this blog), Neo4j, Redis, Cassandra etc.

More details here

In this application

  • We define our entities and data operations (create, read) using plain old JPA
  • Hibernate OGM is used to speak JPA with MongoDB using the native Mongo DB Java driver behind the scenes. We do not interact with/write code on top of the Java driver explicitly

Here is a snippet from the persistence.xml which gives you an idea of the Hibernate OGM related configuration


Let’s configure/setup our Cloud services and get the application up and running…

MongoDB on Oracle Container Cloud

Oracle Developer Cloud

You would need to configure Developer Cloud for the Continuous Build as well as Deployment process. You can refer to previous blogs for the same (some of the details specific to this example will be highlighted here)


JUnit related configuration

Make sure you setup Oracle Developer Cloud to provide JUnit results

Provide Oracle Application Container Cloud (configuration) descriptor

As a part of the Deployment configuration, we will provide the deployment.json details to Oracle Developer Cloud — in this case, it’s specifically for setting up the MongoDB co-ordinates in the form of environment variables. Oracle Developer cloud will deal with the intricacies of the deployment to Oracle Application Container Cloud

JUnit results in Oracle Developer Cloud

From the build logs

From the test reports

Deployment confirmation in Oracle Developer Cloud

Post-deployment status in Application Container Cloud

Note that the environment variables were seeded during deployment

Test the application

  • We use cURL to interact with our application REST endpoints, and
  • Robomongo as a (thick) client to verify data in Mongo DB

Check the URL for the ACCS application first

Add employee(s)

curl -X POST https://my-accs-app/employees -d 42:abhirockzz 
curl -X POST https://my-accs-app/employees -d 43:john
curl -X POST https://my-accs-app/employees -d 44:jane

The request payload is ‘:’ delimited string with employee ID and name

Get employee(s)

You will get back a XML payload in response

curl -X GET https://my-accs-app/employees - all employees 
curl -X GET https://my-accs-app/employees/44 - specific employee (by ID)

Let’s peek into MongoDB as well

  • mongotest is the database
  • EMPLOYEES is the MongoDB collection (equivalent to @Table in JPA)

Test the CI/CD flow

Make some code changes and push them to the Developer Cloud service Git repo. This should

  • Automatically trigger the build, which once successful will
  • Automatically trigger the deployment process, and
  • Redeploy the new application version to Application Container Cloud

Don’t forget to…

The views expressed in this post are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.



Abhishek Gupta
Oracle Developers

Principal Developer Advocate at AWS | I ❤️ Databases, Go, Kubernetes