Spring Cloud Stream and Apache Kafka based Microservices on Oracle Cloud

Abhishek Gupta
Oracle Developers
Published in
5 min readNov 16, 2017

This blog demonstrates how to run Spring Cloud Stream applications on top of Oracle Cloud

Communication between distributed applications in a microservices based architecture can be largely classfied into two categories

  • synchronous — RPC using HTTP (e.g. REST) or any other protocol (e.g. avro, thrift etc.)
  • asynchronous — message based

The sample application in this blog consists of producer and consumer applications which communicate in a message driven (asynchronous) fashion

Application overview

Code is available on Github

The application itself is relatively simple. In order to set the context, here is a summary of what’s going on

  • the producer application exposes a REST endpoint to receive messages
  • once the client sends a message (using HTTP POST), the producer application pushes it to a Kafka topic (in Oracle Event Hub Cloud)
  • the consumer (or the processor) application acts as a listener on the Kafka topic and once it receives the message (asynchronously) it mutates it (adds information on which consumer node processed it) and passes it on to another Kafka topic (you can think of it as the sink)
Architecture overview

Producer app details

  • Its a Spring Boot application which uses @EnableBinding and respective configuration to use Kafka as the binder implementation
  • Uses @RestController and related annotations to set up the REST endpoint

Processor app

  • Another Spring Boot app, which uses @StreamListener to receive data from Kafka topic which producer app populated and @SendTo for pushing data to another (sink) Kafka topic
  • It enriches the message/data with the (ACCS) application node which processed it — this will help understand the load balancing concept

In both the cases, the Kafka topics are automatically created behind the scenes by the application itself — this behavior can be altered

Setting up Oracle Event Hub (Kafka)

We wont go through the entire details since this is straightforward and well documented. All you need to do is create a Kafka cluster (in this case we have a single broker, co-located with Zookeeper) — details in the documentation

Creating custom access rule

You would need to create a custom Access Rule to open port 2181, 6667 on the Kafka Server VM on Oracle Event Hub Cloud. This is to allow our processing applications to communicate with Zookeeper and the Kafka CLI

The port for Kafka cluster (6667 in this case) is required for the Kafka CLI to interact with Oracle Event Hub. Oracle Application Container Cloud does not need this port to be opened since the secure connectivity is taken care of by the service binding

Service Binding

Our message processing applications will bind to Kafka cluster using Service Binding feature in Oracle Application Container Cloud

Build & deployment

Build Producer application

Build Consumer application

  • cd consumer
  • mvn clean install — The build process will create accs-spring-cloud-stream-kafka-consumer-dist.zip in the target directory

Push to cloud

With Oracle Application Container Cloud, you have multiple options in terms of deploying your applications. This blog will leverage PSM CLI which is a powerful command line interface for managing Oracle Cloud services

other deployment options include REST API, Oracle Developer Cloud and of course the console/UI

  • Download and setup PSM CLI on your machine (using psm setup) — details here
  • modify the deployment.json to fill in the Oracle Event Hub instance name as per your environment (declarative Service Binding capability in action). Here is an example
“memory”: “1G”,
“instances”: 2,
“services”: [
“name”: “kafka-on-cloud”,
“type”: “OEHPCS”
  • deploy the producer app — cd rest-producerand psm accs push -n SpringCloudStreamProducer -r java -s hourly -m manifest.json -d deployment.json -p target/accs-spring-cloud-stream-kafka-producer-dist.zip
  • deploy the processor app — cd consumer and psm accs push -n SpringCloudStreamProcessor -r java -s hourly -m manifest.json -d deployment.json -p target/accs-spring-cloud-stream-kafka-consumer-dist.zip

Once executed, an asynchronous process is kicked off and the CLI returns its Job ID for you to track the application creation

Check your application

Once the deployment is successful, you should see the applications on the console

Apps deployed on Oracle Application Container Cloud

Note that

  • the ‘producer’ app is an internet facing (web) app
  • ‘processor’ app is not publicly accessible — it’s a worker application (not exposed to public internet)
  • there are two instances of the ‘processor’ (consumer) app to demonstrate the load balancing message consumption

Test drive

Testing this is pretty simple as well

  • use the Kafka CLI to register as consumer for sink_topic
kafka-console-consumer.sh -bootstrap-server <kakfa_broker>:6667 -topic sink_topic
  • POST a few messages using the producer app
curl -X POST -H “content-type: text/plain” https://springcloudstreamproducer-<your_domain>.apaas.us2.oraclecloud.com -d hello,world 
  • the CLI Kafka consumer should get a message similar to the following
Kafka CLI

Note how (consumer node/instance name highlighted in red) the consumption process is load balanced — thanks to spring.cloud.stream.bindings.input.group configuration

Now, our entire cycle from producer -> Kafka -> processor -> Kakfa is complete. That’s it for this blog post !

Don’t forget to…


The views expressed in this post are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.



Abhishek Gupta
Oracle Developers

Principal Developer Advocate at AWS | I ❤️ Databases, Go, Kubernetes