SQL-Only Counting Records Sufficiently Spaced apart — Three Solutions

Lucas Jellema
Oracle Developers
Published in
11 min readMar 3, 2021


A nice SQL challenge was presented to me by a colleague. The challenges basically consisted of this table. A table contains records that describe login events. Each record has a login timestamp and the identifier of the person logging in. The challenge is to count “unique” login events. These have been defined as unique, non-overlapping two hour periods in which a person has logged in. Such as period starts with a login that is at least two hours after the start of a previous period for that same person.

Visually this can be shown like this:

Login records on a timeline — illustrating the desired logic: only count initial login records if they are spaced at least two hours apart

EDIT 4th March 2021: Solution

You may have read this article before — when it read a litle differently. I have made substantial changes to the article because it originally contained an incorrect solution. A solution that I did not test properly (!) and that I had not peer reviewed — before publishing it for all to see. One person who saw, read and carefully checked the article was Iudith Mentzel (see the first comment) and I owe them a great debt. They gently pointed out my flawed logic and went so far as to provide a correct solution. And not just one solution — but three.

You are now reading a rewrite of the original article — based on Iudith’s solutions for which I can take no credit (apart…



Lucas Jellema
Oracle Developers

Lucas Jellema is CTO and IT architect at Conclusion, The Netherlands. He is Oracle ACE Director, one time JavaOne Rockstar and programmer