Using Cluster API to upgrade a Kubernetes cluster in OCI

Ali Mukadam
Oracle Developers
Published in
9 min readJun 27, 2022

A little bit of an unusual post this time around. I’m posting this on behalf of a colleague and team mate, Joe. Apparently, he prefers I handle the editing. I’m not sure why but he’s a great team mate with a wicked sense of humour and I learned a lot of Go from him so I’m happy to oblige. Here we go:

In this post, I’ll cover an awesome feature of Cluster API: the ability to do a rolling upgrade of your Kubernetes Cluster. Cluster API makes it a simple and repeatable process. I’ll be totally honest: I have manually upgraded a Kubernetes cluster before and the sky didn’t fall on my head. But I’m a lazy hacker so why do it manually when I can automate it and have the safety of repeatability?

What is Cluster API?

If you are not familiar with Cluster API, it is a Kubernetes sub-project focused on providing declarative APIs and tooling to simplify the provisioning, upgrading and operating of multiple Kubernetes clusters. As an analogy, think of Cluster API as your Java Interface and it uses Kubernetes-style interfaces to define the needed infrastructure for a Kubernetes cluster.

Sticking with our Java analogy, in order to use said interface, you need to implement it in a class. Cluster API uses an infrastructure model to extend support to multiple infrastructure providers. Almost every infrastructure provider implements (I hope you catch the pun here!) one. An infrastructure provider’s implementation is to Cluster API as class is to Java. Oracle’s is implemented here and it can be used to build clusters in Oracle cloud. For a brief introduction on how to start with the OCI provider, check out Paul Jenkins’ post or read the documentation. You should also check Cluster API’s awesome book, generated from Markdown with mdbook.

Upgrade a cluster using Cluster API

One of the main goals of Cluster API is to

To manage the lifecycle (create, scale, upgrade, destroy) of Kubernetes-conformant clusters using a declarative API.

Automating the upgrade process is a big achievement. I don’t want to have to cordon/drain nodes to do the rolling update manually. The tools should do this for me.

I’m going to assume you already have a management and a workload cluster up and running. If not, follow the Getting started guide to create the workload cluster. Below is how I created my workload cluster:

OCI_IMAGE_ID=<your image ocid> \  
OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID=<your compartment ocid> \
OCI_REGION=us-phoenix-1 \
OCI_SHAPE=VM.Standard.E4.Flex \
OCI_SSH_KEY=<your private key> \
clusterctl generate cluster oci-cluster-phx --kubernetes-version v1.22.9 \
--target-namespace default \
--control-plane-machine-count=3 \
--from | kubectl apply -f -

Now that we have a workload cluster up and running, it is time to upgrade. The high level steps of the upgrade process are as follows:

  1. Create a Kubernetes image of the new version
  2. Upgrade the control plane
  3. Upgrade the worker machines

Before we start, let’s check the version of our running workload cluster. In order to access our workload cluster, we will need to export the Kubernetes config from our management cluster:

clusterctl get kubeconfig oci-cluster-phx -n default > oci-cluster-phx.kubeconfig

Once we have the kubeconfig file we can check the version of our workload cluster:

kubectl --kubeconfig=oci-cluster-phx.kubeconfig versionClient Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"23", GitVersion:"v1.23.4", GitCommit:"e6c093d87ea4cbb530a7b2ae91e54c0842d8308a", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-02-16T12:38:05Z", GoVersion:"go1.17.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"22", GitVersion:"v1.22.9", GitCommit:"6df4433e288edc9c40c2e344eb336f63fad45cd2", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-04-13T19:52:02Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.15", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

Notice the Server Version is v1.22.9. Let’s upgraade that.

Create a new Kubernetes Image

In order to upgrade our worker nodes, we need to use the Kubernetes Image Builder to build the image. Follow the more detailed steps in the Building Images section to complete prerequisite steps.

We will then need to set kubernetes info to a newer version than our current cluster version. Right now, the cluster being used is 1.22.9 and we want to upgrade to 1.23.6 (current release versions can be found here We will edit images/capi/packer/config/kubernetes.json and change the following:

"kubernetes_deb_version": "1.23.6-00",
"kubernetes_rpm_version": "1.23.6-0",
"kubernetes_semver": "v1.23.6",
"kubernetes_series": "v1.23"

After the config is updated, we will use the Ubuntu 20.04 build to create the new image with packer:

$ cd <root_of_image_builder_repo>/images/capi
$ PACKER_VAR_FILES=json/oci_phx.json make build-oci-ubuntu-2004

This will launch an instance in OCI to build the image. Once done, you should get output of the image’s OCID. You can also check that the image built by visiting You will want to save this OCID as we will be using it later. Below is a truncated example of a successful output:

==> oracle-oci: Creating temporary ssh key for instance...
==> oracle-oci: Creating instance...
==> oracle-oci: Created instance (<your instance OCID will be here>).
==> oracle-oci: Waiting for instance to enter 'RUNNING' state...
==> oracle-oci: Instance 'RUNNING'.
==> oracle-oci: Creating image from instance...
==> oracle-oci: Image created.
==> oracle-oci: Terminating instance (<your instance OCID will be here)...
==> oracle-oci: Terminated instance.
Build 'oracle-oci' finished after 15 minutes 29 seconds.
==> Wait completed after 15 minutes 29 seconds==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> oracle-oci: An image was created: 'cluster-api-ubuntu-2004-1.23-v1.23.6-1653421889' (OCID: <you image OCID will be here>) in region 'us-phoenix-1'

Upgrading the control plane

Now that we have the compute image with the new version of Kubernetes ready, we can upgrade the control plane.

First, let’s make a copy the machine template for the control plane:

$ kubectl get ocimachinetemplate oci-cluster-phx-control-plane -o yaml > control-plane-machine-template.yaml

We need to modify the following:

  • spec.template.spec.imageId - use the previously created custom image OCID
  • - with a new name. example: oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-v1-23-6
  • clear any extraneous metadata, including the resourceVersion field, before trying to send it to the API server

Once the fields are modified, we can apply them to the cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f configured

Note that this will only create the new machine template. The next step will trigger the actual update.

We now want to tell the KubeadmControlPlane resource about the new machine template and upgrade the version number.

$ kubectl get KubeadmControlPlane -o yaml > kubeadm-control-plan-update.yaml

We need to modify the following for the oci-cluster-phx-control-plane:

  • - use the newly created machine template name here. example oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-v1-23-6
  • spec.version - it should be v1.22.9 you will want to change to v1.23.6

Upgrade the control plane:

$ kubectl apply -f kubeadm-control-plan-update.yaml

In the capi-kubeadm-control-plane-controller-manager, you should see a log similar to:

$ kubectl -n capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system logs capi-kubeadm-control-plane-controller-manager-75cc644b4b-pkghd...
controller/kubeadmcontrolplane "msg"="Rolling out Control Plane machines" "cluster"="oci-cluster-phx" "name"="oci-cluster-phx-control-plane" "namespace"="default" "reconciler group"="" "reconciler kind"="KubeadmControlPlane" "needRollout"=["oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-74bkb","oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-8h5zw","oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-pcbjq"]

We can watch the progress of the cluster upgrade via clusterctl :

$ clusterctl describe cluster oci-cluster-phx                                                                                                                   
Cluster/oci-cluster-phx False Warning RollingUpdateInProgress 98s Rolling 3 replicas with outdated spec (1 replicas up to date)
├─ClusterInfrastructure - OCICluster/oci-cluster-phx True 4h50m
├─ControlPlane - KubeadmControlPlane/oci-cluster-phx-control-plane False Warning RollingUpdateInProgress 98s Rolling 3 replicas with outdated spec (1 replicas up to date)
│ └─4 Machines... True 9m17s See oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-ptg4m, oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-sg67j, ...
└─MachineDeployment/oci-cluster-phx-md-0 True 10m
└─3 Machines... True 4h44m See oci-cluster-phx-md-0-8667c8d69-47nh9, oci-cluster-phx-md-0-8667c8d69-5r4zc, ...

We can also see the rolling update starting to happen with new instances being created:

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=oci-cluster-phx.kubeconfig get nodes -ANAME                                  STATUS     ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-464zs Ready control-plane,master 4h40m v1.22.5
oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-7vdxp NotReady control-plane,master 27s v1.23.6
oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-dhxml Ready control-plane,master 4h48m v1.22.5
oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-dmk8j Ready control-plane,master 4h44m v1.22.5
oci-cluster-phx-md-0-cnrbf Ready <none> 4h44m v1.22.5
oci-cluster-phx-md-0-hc6fj Ready <none> 4h45m v1.22.5
oci-cluster-phx-md-0-nc2g9 Ready <none> 4h44m v1.22.5

Before a control plane instance is terminated, it will be cordoned and drained as expected:

oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-dmk8j   NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   control-plane,master   4h52m   v1.22.5

This process should take about 15 minutes. Once all control plane nodes are upgraded, you should see the new version using kubectl version:

kubectl --kubeconfig=oci-cluster-phx.kubeconfig versionClient Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"23", GitVersion:"v1.23.4", GitCommit:"e6c093d87ea4cbb530a7b2ae91e54c0842d8308a", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-02-16T12:38:05Z", GoVersion:"go1.17.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"23", GitVersion:"v1.23.6", GitCommit:"ad3338546da947756e8a88aa6822e9c11e7eac22", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-04-14T08:43:11Z", GoVersion:"go1.17.9", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

Our cluster has now been upgraded and we can proceed to upgrade the worker nodes.

Upgrade the worker nodes

After upgrading the control plane nodes, we can now upgrade the worker nodes

First, we need to copy the machine template for the worker nodes:

$ kubectl get ocimachinetemplate oci-cluster-phx-md-0 -o yaml > worker-machine-template.yaml

We start by modifying the following:

  • spec.template.spec.imageId - use the previously created custom image OCID
  • - with a new name. example: oci-cluster-phx-md-0-v1-23-6

Once the fields are modified, we need to apply them to the cluster. As before, this only creates the new machine template. The next step will start the actual update.

$ kubectl apply -f created

Let’s modify the MachineDeployment for the worker nodes with the new resource we just created.

$ kubectl get MachineDeployment -o yaml > worker-machine-deployment.yaml

We need to modify the following for the oci-cluster-phx-md-0:

  • - use the newly created machine template name here. example oci-cluster-phx-md-0-v1-23-6
  • spec.template.spec - it should be v1.22.9 you will want to change to v1.23.6
  • Clear out any extraneous metadata, including the resourceVersion field, before trying to send it to the API server

Upgrade the worker nodes:

$ kubectl apply -f worker-machine-deployment.yaml

Again, we can watch the progress of the cluster via the clusterctl command. However, unlike the control plane, the machine deployment handles updating the worker machines and therefore clusterctl describe cluster will only show the machine deployment being updated. If you want to watch the rolling update happen with new instances being created, you can do the following:

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=oci-cluster-phx.kubeconfig get nodes -A...oci-cluster-phx-md-0-z59t8                   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   <none>                 55m    v1.22.5oci-cluster-phx-md-0-z59t8                   NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   <none>                 56m     v1.22.5

If you have pods on the worker machines, you will see them getting migrated to the new machines:

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=oci-cluster-phx.kubeconfig get podsNAME                          READY   STATUS       AGE     NODE
echoserver-55587b4c46-2q5hz 1/1 Terminating 89m oci-cluster-phx-md-0-z59t8
echoserver-55587b4c46-4x72p 1/1 Running 5m24s oci-cluster-phx-md-0-v1-23-6-bqs8l
echoserver-55587b4c46-tmj4b 1/1 Running 29s oci-cluster-phx-md-0-v1-23-6-btjzs
echoserver-55587b4c46-vz7gm 1/1 Running 89m oci-cluster-phx-md-0-z79bd

After about 10 or 15 minutes, the workers should be updated in our example. Obviously, the more nodes you have the longer this rolling update will take. You can check the version of all the nodes to confirm:

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=oci-cluster-phx.kubeconfig get nodes -ANAME                                          STATUS                     ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-v1-23-6-926gx Ready control-plane,master 18m v1.23.6
oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-v1-23-6-vfp5g Ready control-plane,master 24m v1.23.6
oci-cluster-phx-control-plane-v1-23-6-vprqc Ready control-plane,master 30m v1.23.6
oci-cluster-phx-md-0-v1-23-6-bqs8l Ready <none> 9m58s v1.23.6
oci-cluster-phx-md-0-v1-23-6-btjzs Ready <none> 5m37s v1.23.6
oci-cluster-phx-md-0-v1-23-6-z79bd Ready <none> 71s v1.23.6

MachineDeploy strategies

Cluster API offers two MachineDeployment strategies RollingUpdate and OnDelete.

The example we followed above uses theRollingUpdatestrategy and you can use it to modify maxSurge and maxUnavailable. Both maxSurge and maxUnavailable can be an absolute number (for example, 5) or a percentage of desired machines (for example, 10%).

The other MachineDeployment strategy option is OnDelete. This requires the user to fully delete an old machine to drive the update. When the machine is fully deleted, a new one will come up.

To better understand how the MachineDeployments with Cluster API work, check the documentation about MachineDeployments.


We created a new image and pushed a rolling upgrade to our cluster’s control plane and worker nodes. We achieved this by making a few modifications in our configurations. Irrespective of the cluster size, the upgrade process is the same.

If that isn’t a selling point for Cluster API, I don’t know what is.

The Cluster API project is growing rapidly with many new features coming. The OCI Cluster API provider team is working hard to bring you all the latest and greatest such as ClusterClass, MachinePools and ManagedClusters.

For updates on the cluster-api-provider-oci follow the GitHub repo. We are excited to be contributing to Kubernetes and CNCF community and hope you can join us.

You can also join us on our public Slack to discuss!

Related resources

Cluster API:

Cluster API for OCI (CAPOCI):

CAPOCI on GitHub:

CAPOCI on Slack:

Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash

