I threw a Brazilian Traditional Fiesta at my workplace (in Australia).

Petrus Pommé
Orange Digital


Working in Australia has been an experience, and by that I mean it’s also been an experiment. I’m not talking about learning the local language, which at times can be really difficult, or getting around with public transportation — I’m actually talking solely about the WORKING part of the experience.

I was lucky enough to get a job at an advertising agency as soon as I was able to understand the ‘mates language’ of my now adored colleagues & friends. Funnily enough I expected to have an old manager that I’d be really scared of showing any lack of knowledge to.

What I found though, was a bunch of young and enthusiastic creatives from different parts of the world — Australia (of course), Argentina, Colombia, China, France, Philippines, Turkey — and at the time I was the first Brazilian to join the team.

The first shocking experience was the Culture — not the Aussie one — the workplace culture. There was this nicely designed book with a cut out ‘C’ on the cover, funky illustrations and on the first page it read: “How we roll”.

Does “C” stand for Culture? I’ve always thought so.

The book talks about how the company came about, its purpose and also touches on some of the company’s core values such as Hunt Brilliance, Outsmart The Impossible, Make Work Unbelievable, Always Got Your Back and other 6 values that are not the typical ‘Integrity’, ‘Innovation’, ‘Honesty’, etc.

“Free & Focused” played a major role into making the Brazilian Folk Festival (Festa Junina) a reality.

Three years later my English was better and I was able to put sentences together — and clearly articulate ideas. Also during this time another four Brazilians joined the team.

One day while watching a Brazilian gig at a pub I realised I needed to share this part of my culture with the office. I’d known the musicians for a while and they were super keen as soon as I shared the idea with them.

Henrique & Lucas from Brazo Duo

Back in the office I shared the idea with the other Brazilians who transformed the ‘Brazilian Gig” into the ‘Brazilian Folk Festival’ (a traditional winter festival) and presented it to Mike (the then brand-new CEO) who is super excited about embracing different cultures.

“From then the doors were opened and the Brazilians’ ultimate impact was unlocked.”

With the budget we were given we were able to put together a real “Festa Junina” with traditional drinks, food, games and live music.

The drinks had to be bought from Brazilian Facebook communities as they’re not sold in Australia and the food was made by a Brazilian lady also found in the Facebook communities.

Brazilian staff and partners (left) — Staff, family & friends (right)
Snapchat Stories: Drinks, Live Music and “Dança das Cadeiras” (Musical Chairs)

The festival was a great success and the staff, friends & family simply loved it — there was a lot of work and love put into it and it may even become a recurring event.

As for now let’s just enjoy the end of year dress up Fridays (an Orange tradition).



Petrus Pommé
Orange Digital

I'm a design-driven creative focused on telling captivating stories using cinema, design and animation techniques - located in Meanjin, Australia.