So what does it mean to be a Google Premier Partner?

Isabelle Debnam
Orange Digital
Published in
4 min readOct 15, 2018

You may or may not know we are Google Partners… which we think is pretty cool. Well, we are excited to announce we have now earned the Google Premier Partner badge… which is even cooler! Although, it has come to our attention everyone might not be as familiar with what a Google Partnership means and how a Premier badge makes us extra special.

What is a Premier Partner Badge?

Google has three levels of partnership:

  • Member
  • Google Partner
  • Premier Google Partner (highest badge)

To become a Google Partner, an agency must complete a number of programs run by Google. Then after earning each badge the agency and their staff are treated with additional recognition (see table below).

Why are we so special?

To receive a Premier Partner badge, Orange Digital has to continuously meet Google’s three main requirements: certification, ad spend, and performance. Earning a Premier badge means Google considers us to be knowledgeable, experienced, and successful.

Based on these programs, Google likes to consider us an expert when it comes to having the latest product knowledge on Google Ads. Here at Orange Digital, we have completed all of our Google Ads exams:

  • Search Advertising
  • Mobile Advertising
  • Video Advertising
  • Display Advertising
  • Shopping Advertising

As search advertising experts, we can help our clients create and optimise their ads to show up on Google Search. We can also confidently advise on keyword strategy and budget planning.

Our Mobile Advertising training means we can help clients connect with potential customers on mobile devices through text, image, video, and HTML ads.

If you ever need assistance with implementing and optimising a video ad campaign on Youtube, we are your go-to agency (we also have an in-house videographer if you require video content production).

Google recognises our ability to help clients create compelling visual ads to reach potential customers on over two million websites and 650,000 apps.

Finally, as a certified partner, we can help clients place their products on Google Search, set up their inventory on Merchant Centre, and create Google Shopping campaigns.

So how does being Premier Partners makes us extra special?

Real experts who are trustworthy

It is considered as Premier Partners we know Google Ads inside and out, we have passed the certification tests and we even have fancy trophies to prove it! But let’s be honest here, just because someone passes a test doesn’t automatically make them an expert. But Google considers it a pretty great start to expanding knowledge in the Ads field.

However, Google doesn’t just award any company with a Partner or Premier Partner badge. To earn the badge (and keep it), we must continually show just how extensive our Ads experience is. All Premier Partners are required to meet Google’s minimum ad spend, which means we are actively managing Google Ads accounts. We are also required to show our expert knowledge by providing and overseeing successful campaigns.

Essentially the badge is Google’s way of giving agencies their seal of approval, as in their own words: “The badge recognises companies we trust to help you succeed on the web with our products.” Google takes many steps to ensure that trustworthy agencies are available to help, and therefore we are very proud to have been presented the highest badge.

Continual results

We understand that an Ads campaign is only as goods as its return on investment. While you could use all the best practices you want if you don’t see any improvements or make any money then the campaign is simply a waste of valuable resources. In addition to maintaining our yearly certificates and meeting spending requirements, Premier Partners must meet performance standards. Therefore, all Premier Partners have a strong history of building Google Ads campaigns that continually convert at a high rate — meaning the businesses are making higher returns.

Better access

Speaking from experience, mastering Google Ads is hard work. This task isn’t made any easier by how much the system changes. There are often dozens of changes made to the Ads platform every year, and typically only those who actively use the program are able to quickly adapt and understand these changes to best suit their clients. As Premier Partners, we are lucky enough to know about changes before other Google Ads accounts. Google grants us early access to these changes as well as inviting some Premier accounts to be part of Beta programs and testing.

In addition to early access, our Premier badge gives us an inside connection to Google. We are granted easy access to highly-qualified Google representatives meaning we never have to wait in long lines. Therefore if there are any issues with an account, or if we are wanting insider knowledge of how to optimise in a specific area, being a Premier Partner can make that happen faster. While we would like to think we are knowledgeable in all areas of Google, sometimes we have to ask the big guys at Google for a hand.

If you’d like to understand a little more about how Google Ads can benefit your business, our friendly team are always up for a coffee and a chat to better understand your business needs.

Originally published at

