My Top 10 Dream Smash Bros. Newcomers

My personal list of characters I believe would make a fine addition to Smash Bros. Ultimate

Jake Pelusi
Orange and Juicy



This list is full of my own opinions and will most likely not 100% align with your own. Feel free to respond to this article with your own Top 10 Newcomers list. I’m eager to see who others believe are deserving of a Smash Bros. debut. Well, let’s get started then, shall we?


Honorable Mentions:

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Doctor Eggman

Newcomer (Sonic the Hedgehog)

If you’ve been keeping up with the rumors and leaks, then you may already be aware of the potential importance of including more villains in Ultimate. We’ve already seen the induction of the Ridley and King K. Rool into the new Smash roster, so who’s to say we won’t see another villainous face appear in December?

Eggman has character aplenty, which many villains often lack in lieu of a more stern, intimidating persona.

Because of Eggman’s sometimes-goofy temperament, I could easily see a fun and unique moveset being built for the doctor. With his long and far-reaching limbs, and a bunch of iconic machines at his disposal, Eggman has plenty of gimmicks to amount to a successful new fighter. It would also be neat to see another Sonic character on the roster.

Leon Powalski

Newcomer or Mixed Star Fox Echo Fighter (Star Fox)

A new character from the Star Fox series wouldn’t disappoint me in the slightest. With ever-expanding numbers of the other original game representative/s from the first Smash game (e.g. Mario, Fire Emblem, Pokemon), I can’t help but crave more Star Fox presence in a Smash title.

Since we already have two members from the Star Fox team, I think it only fair that Star Wolf gets another representative in the game too. Not to mention that Leon is the only member of Star Wolf, besides Wolf, to be in the team since its creation. While any new Star Fox character would be great, my pick would most definitely be the anthropomorphic chameleon himself.

His colour-palette, animations and general demeanor would result in a fine fighter, unique to any other in the game. Alternatively, I could also see him working well as a mixed Echo Fighter, with a mix of different moves from his fellow Star Fox fighers.


Newcomer (Undertale)

Credit: Omni Jacala

Sans is probably one of the most requested characters who has not yet been confirmed as either a fighter or an assist trophy. While I whole-heartedly believe both Undertale and indie games as a whole deserve a spot in Ultimate, I can’t bring myself to understand how Sans could work as a fighter.

In his own game, he displays very restricted movements both in and out of combat, as well as showing a very small potential kit of Smash moves. The rest would be up to the Smash team to create. And what does this do? Well, it means the Smash team gets to decide what Sans’ movements, attacks and taunts would be, NOT Toby Fox, the creator of Undertale. And since there’s no template to base these off, the Smash team has to do this from the ground up, thus creating potential for Sans’ character to change from what Fox originally in-visioned. For this reason I would much prefer to see Sans as an assist trophy than a playable fighter.

I’d also much prefer Undyne over Sans if an Undertale character were to become a fighter. I think she has a much larger arsenal of attacks that could be translated into Smash moves. But, of course, Isabelle was just announced as a fighter, so the Smash team can make anything work, apparently. If Sakurai wants Sans, they’ll make it happen. And if they do, I pray they do the character justice.

And without further ado…

My Top 10 Dream Smash Fighters

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1. Amaterasu

Newcomer (Okami)

My first pick is none other than Amaterasu, the main character from Okami. Remember why I said I didn’t think adding Sans as a playable fighter was a good idea? Well, Amaterasu is the complete opposite. I mean, the only negative reason I can think of for adding her to the roster is just that the announcer will maybe have to do a few takes to get her name right!

“And the winner is… Am-at-er-a-su…!”

Besides that, she has an extensively large array of combat movements to choose from when making her Smash moveset. Not to mention, she could even have a mechanic similar to Shulk’s stance change where she can swap between her Divine Instruments to use different moves or have different abilities. I think Amaterasu will also look great re-rendered in the Smash style. If we get to see this Sun Goddess in Ultimate I’ll be over the moon.

2. Banjo and Kazooie

Newcomer or Duck Hunt Echo Fighter (Banjo-Kazooie)

Credit: hextupleyoodot

Next up we got the dynamic duo: Banjo and Kazooie. I’d settle for a Duck Hunt Echo Fighter, but if we’re talking about my DREAM Smash roster, then these two should be brand new fighters.

Even as a brand new fighter, however, I would still expect this pair to play similar to Duck Hunt, with Kazooie being in charge of air control and recovery, similarly to the job that the duck in the Duck Hunt pair has. But I do believe that Banjo’s distinct contrast to a dog would allow for an adequate difference in moveset between Banjo and Kazooie and Duck Hunt, to warrant giving Banjo and Kazooie their own separate fighter slot. There’s plenty of room here to make an interesting, unique, not to mention very popular, new fighter.

3. Black Shadow

Newcomer or Captain Falcon Echo Fighter (F-Zero)

Now, I have never played F-Zero. I know the general gist of the game and I’ve seen some gameplay, but that’s the extent of my knowledge. That isn’t, however, the extent of my connection to the franchise. This is because Captain Falcon is one of my favorite characters in Smash. So even though I don’t know how good of a game F-Zero is, I still know how good of a character Captain Falcon is. And this is why I want another F-Zero character.

So, why Black Shadow. We’ll, for starters, he’s another villain, which the current roster greatly lacks. Additionally, I find his design quite interesting, and I could definitely see him donning a newly re-rendered Smash suit. Even if he was a Captain Falcon Echo Fighter, I wouldn’t mind. I’d love to see this character immortalised in the Smash franchise, because I don’t think he should be forgotten so soon.

4. Crash Bandicoot

Newcomer (Crash Bandicoot)

Where do I start with this goofball? Well, simply put: I like Crash Bandicoot. I like his games, and I like his character. Do I think he’d work in a Smash game? Maybe, maybe not. Visually, he’d be very easy to convert into a Smash fighter.

But moveset-wise, the developers may run into some difficulty. Crash’s main attacks in his own games include jumping, spinning and sometimes punching, which like Sans, doesn’t give the development team a lot to work with. I think his spinning could be implemented into a mechanic similar to Sonic’s “spinning ball”, maybe excluding its ability to lock-on to targets. Other than that… well, he’s got his punching.

So if he were to be added then I applaud the developers in advance, because that would be no easy task. But, boy, do I wanna see this dorky, orange marsupial in Smash.

5. Deoxys

Newcomer (Pokemon)

A lot of people are predicting Decidueye or Incineroar to be the new Pokemon rep in Ultimate. And I get why, if the next Pokemon fighter were to be a walking ad for the newest generation of Pokemon games (which it likely will), then I too expect that those two have the best chance. But if I’m being honest, I don’t really want either of them as fighters. So who would I prefer? Deoxys.

I think Deoxys is often overlooked, and I believe this red-and-blue alien is on par with Mewtwo in terms of power. I strongly believe that this Pokemon could be made into an extremely unique fighter, one that differs greatly from the rest of the roster. And, since it has 4 forms, you can also implement a stance change mechanic, or even just have it swap forms while attacking normally, (e.g. make its smash (heavy) attacks his Attack form, make it block in its Defense form, make its recovery its Speed form etc.).

Also, its stretchy limbs could open various possibilities for unique attacks and moves that contrast greatly from what the current roster has to offer. Long story short: there’s no Pokemon I’d love to see in Smash more than Deoxys.

6. Doomguy (New or Old Version)

Newcomer (DOOM)

Time for a bold pick. Sure, DOOM is a very different kind of game to your typical Nintendo title, of which usually have their characters fill up the Smash roster. But if Solid Snake can get in, then so can Doomguy.

I don’t care of it’s the new or old version, or if you can switch between the two as alternate skins, I just want to see this classic character shoot and punch his way through the competition in Smash.

Sure, most of his combat from his own game consists of using guns, which wouldn’t fly in a Smash game. However, he can do so much more. Especially since we’ve gotten a look at 2019’s new DOOM title, where we got to see Doomguy using a grappling gun. So yeah, I think Doomguy has a vast enough selection of moves and weapons that could translate into one hell of a fighter.

7. Earthworm Jim

Newcomer — (Earthworm Jim)

One of the things I love most about the selection of characters in Smash, is how full of old, likely otherwise forgotten characters it is. So, if characters like Game and Watch and Dr. Mario get to be in Smash, then I think Earthworm Jim deserves a shot too.

As such a beloved, classic character, I think this worm has more than what it takes to smash his way onto the roster.

I foresee possible difficulty in creating a suitable moveset for Jim, but again, if the developers can make Isabelle work, then I think they’re up to the task.

8. Jak and Daxter

Newcomer (Jak and Daxter)

I have such fond memories with the Jak and Daxter series, and even though I’m not sure how well-suited the pair would be for a Smash game, I’d be ecstatic to see these two make a surprise appearance in Ultimate.

The only real reason for this pick is nostalgia, and I understand how low the chances of them being added are, but goddamn I love these guys, and would love to see them in Smash even more.

I could see their move mechanics working similarly to Dunk Hunt, as well as my Banjo and Kazooie pick.

9. Skull Kid

Newcomer (The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask)

Skull Kid has by far one of my favorite character designs from the Legend of Zelda series, and I’d love to see another Zelda villain make it into Smash other than Ganondorf. And I know I’m not alone on this one either, as many have been discussing this possible character addition.

I definitely think Skull Kid would make an interesting, fun fighter in Smash. Also, how cool would it be if his Final Smash was the Moon crashing down onto the battlefield?

Without talking about any potential leaks (just in case they end up being true), all I’m gonna say is that, unlike some of my other picks, I won’t be too surprised if Skull Kid joins the roster at some point between now and December.

10. Waluigi

Newcomer (Mario Tennis)

Wario has gone without his partner for so long now. Come on, Sakurai, where’s Waluigi at? Fans have been practically rioting for him!… although sometimes ironically… but rioting nevertheless!

I honestly and un-ironically want this goof-ball in Smash. His general demeanor and character would result in some truly unique moves, thus creating a truly unique character.

And if there’s one thing the Smash roster needs, it’s more diversity. I mean, do we really need another typical sword fighter? Sure, they’re super cool, but it gets to a point where you need other types of characters to accommodate every player and their own preferred play-style. I think that the extent of character moveset diversity can make or break a competitive fighting game, so not only do I think that Waluigi’s unique personality is deserving of a spot on the roster, but likely too his moveset.

I know we saw him as an assist trophy at one of the Nintendo Directs, but the Waluigi meme has gone so viral at this point, so I could definitely see them “surprising” us at the last second with his unexpected inclusion, or maybe even as a DLC character post-release.

Honestly, I’d be happy with just one of these characters being added. And I know how unlikely some of my picks are, but I can dream goddammit.

So now that’s all of my chest, the only thing left to do is pray.

The ball’s in your court now, Sakurai.

Let’s see what you’ve got.



Jake Pelusi
Orange and Juicy

Welcome to my modest corner of the Internet. I’m just a nerd who’s a little too passionate when it comes to talking about video games. Enjoy your stay!