Alpha+Omega: What of the future?A Human Centric Data Analytics platform.

Elina Makri
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2022

“While the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You can, for example, never foretell what any one man will do, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. So says the statistician.”

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes, The End of the Islander)

Human Centric Data Analytics

What would be the most challenging process for our mixed team of technologists and a storyteller?

Explore the in-between space of the human brain to compute (and use frequency information) and that of machines and algorithms.

Acknowledging the limits of the human resources, the need for prediction and decision making in an uncertain world, our team, Alpha+Omega, created a very basic set of tools for storytellers, a set of algorithms that facilitates the work of journalists.

We immediately understood the broader lack of knowledge for more non data-savvy citizens, professionals and decision makers (especially of the public sector) on how to harness data-driven decision making and profit from the immense capacity of analytics and AI to their everyday needs and decisions.

Currently, we expand our work on Algorithmic decision-making Systems in the Public Sector (ADS), the topic is one of concern for present (and future) administration as those systems are increasingly pervasive and revolutionise services across different industries and the public sector, accompanied by some serious mismanagements from governments (eg. to predict human behavior, recidivism etc).

We are intrigued by the field of human decision making. We know that the whole brain machinery is a predictive mechanism meant to help humans to decide and survive.

Focus on technology that works for all

Α+Ω wants to strengthen the digital capacity of citizens, local communities and cooperatives through the dual intelligence system: A combination of machine and human intelligence, in an effort to enhance collective performance, societal measurable benefits, a fundamental aspect of social innovation. Assist European entities towards digital sovereignty, better adaptation to a digital future via a set of refined methodological tools upon deeper analytics penetration in their everyday routines (individual data-driven decision making).

Combined benefits: The physical intelligence of human beings: Emotional intelligence, transversal skills, intuition, introspection, teamwork and creativity. Intelligence of machines (and software) with: a) Intelligence of interfaces, of applications, b) The high computing value c) Minimization of requirements in tight terms, d) Fast validation tests, e) Constant correction and feedback.

Our business model looks like a dual cognitive and spiral expanding mechanism forwarding two intelligence pillars simultaneously. The 1st one: The theoretical expanding and deep diving into the academic and research innovation bibliography. The 2nd: The practical one that connects with real social benefit for communities for all human ecosystems through the data analytics penetrating and exploding power.

In the long run, Alpha+Omega aspires to be the go-to platform where a) municipalities, agricultural cooperatives and SMEs seek solutions to their problems at an affordable price and b) data professionals upload and sell their data analysis methods.

* Elina Makri is a guest blogpost writer for Orange Grove’s blog. Elina is an alumna of Orange Grove and founder of Alpha+Omega (Α+Ω). The views expressed in this guest blogpost do not necessarily reflect the views of Orange Grove.



Elina Makri

Independent journalist & media project manager. Oikomedia and A + Ω founder.