Modern HRM needs and the answer from OrangeHRM

Charithra Kariyawasam
6 min readOct 25, 2017



The main purpose of this article is to give a comprehensive idea about OrangeHRM and what is the role that it plays in the modern HRM processes. This article will act as an introductory article for a series of more technical articles that I will write about the OrangeHRM features in the future.

What is OrangeHRM ?

OrangeHRM is the world’s most popular open source human resource management software in the world. The company was established in 2005 and it was founded by Sujee and Dinesh Saparamadu. Since then this system has been developed in various versions and ways to cater the modern human resource management needs. I will explain some of the modern human resource management needs and how the OrangeHRM system has developed accordingly.

Brief Insight to Modern Human Resource Management

In the modern business world, Human Workforce is not interpreted as a cost to the business but as the greatest asset that company can have. From that point in mind let’s understand what are the modern trends and constraints in Human Resource Management.

  • No two companies have similar human resource needs. This is because the business culture and the workforce in different companies are different.
  • Managing employees who work in different geographical locations. Due to this, the proceedings of daily tasks even in the same company can differ vastly. So a seamless management in every branch is a must and HR teams must cater those proceedings accordingly.
  • Highly competitive talent hunting. Worldwide shortages of many critical positions are affecting companies of all sizes. For this reason, many HR departments want tools and methodologies that enable them to more effectively compete for and recruit talent and also retain and develop their current talent.
  • Performance-based pay. Many modern companies have identified this procedure as a better way to evolve and retain talent in an organization. So need to track performance of each employee in a highly detailed manner is highly crucial.

As we have a brief understanding about the modern HRM trends, let’s understand how the OranhrHRM products cater these needs. In the following paragraphs I will describe what are the products and how HR modules developed by OrangeHRM will serve the modern HRM needs.

Premier Products Of OrangeHRM

OrangeHRM has three types of products to cater the different modern HRM needs by various types of organizations. Brief explanations about these versions are as follows.

  • Open Source: This product is targeted at organizations that have a workforce nearly 20.
  • OrangeHRM Professional: This product is mainly focused on organizations that do their business ventures usually in one country. (Medium sized business ventures).
  • OrangeHRM Enterprise: This product is mainly focused on organizations that based globally. This product gives the opportunity to business administrators to maintain HR management processes in multiple countries.
Products OF OrangeHRM

OrangeHRM has developed a robust set of modules to manage various procedures that bind with human resource management. These modules have been developed to cater different HRM need in the most updated manner. The above products are varied according to the features that provided by these modules. To gain a deeper understanding about the how they vary, click the link at the end of this article.

Modules Of OrangeHRM System

OrangeHRM has a module-based architecture which enables the
clients to have a vast scope of HR features. Using these scalable and extensible features it has the ability to match even the needs of a multi national organization. Due to this architectural pattern clients will achieve three aspects as follows.

  • Choice.
  • Afford-ability.
  • Flexibility.

Now I’m going to explain some of the most important modules in the OrangeHRM products and how they cater the modern HRM needs accordingly.

Admin Module

Features in Admin Module

The System Administration module offers centralized control to organization’s HR Manager or other personnel to carry out basic HR functions. They can develop the organizational structure using this module. HR admins can manage the core information about the organization, projects employees etc by defining the user privileges. By using the features developed in this module, HR admins can

  • Managing employees who work in different business cultures and geographical locations.
  • Providing ways to manage privileges of the employees. So only the authorized employees will access the certain sections of the system. This is highly important when handling a multi national company.
  • Defining the skill sets and qualifications that possessed by the employee. HR admins and other administrative parties can have a well defined idea about the employee’s potential due to that.

PIM Module

PIM Module

When an employee joins an organization, it is the responsibility of the organization to store employee personal information. Personal Info, Salary Info, Contact details etc can be categorized under this information. But this could be a very troublesome task if the data are stored without proper structure. Because if the admins can’t retrieve those data efficently it will act as an performance bottleneck for the whole organization. So to counter these problems OrangeHRM has developed the PIM(Personel Information Management Module) Module.

Performance Module

Performance Module

As we have described earlier global talent hunting is a highly competitive process. So HR admins have the need to specifically define what kind of skillset is needed from their employees. This can be a complex task to maneuver if there aren’t any proper functionalities such as competency listings, defining skillsets based on the departments, tracking the skill development of the employees, proper communication of feedbacks from supervisors to develop the skills of the subordinates etc. Even if they seem hard features to track, the OrangeHRM performance module has provided an user friendly way to manage those tasks.

Leave Module

Leave Module

Managing leaves is a vital process in modern HR. Because absenteeism of employees can affect the workflow of the company in drastic ways. So using web-enabled and self-service methods users of the OrangeHRM system can manage the leave requests easily. This module will significantly streamline all organizations leave-related procedures‚ eliminate paperwork and reduce scheduling hassles with this module. The developers at OrangeHRM has developed specific features like Bradford factor to analyze the leave usage of the employees. These will be discussed in detail in the upcoming articles.

Recruitment Module

The Recruitment module gives HR professionals a comprehensive solution for the entire recruitment processes.
This module will support the HR admins to track the processes from job vacancy to hire. But the fact that this OrangeHRM module really makes a difference is its connection with the IBM Watson supercomputer. This super computer is one of the best machine learning supercomputers in the world. All the recruitment processes will be handled by this machine to give the best candidate for the vacancy.

There are some other HR modules such as Time, Expenses, On-Boarding etc. These will be discussed in detail in the upcoming article series


OrangeHRM is the world’s most popular open source human resource management software in the world. It has developed high class reputation for it’s functionality due to the technical features that are provided to counter the modern HR needs. The main basis for the solutions provided by these products is the module based architecture. Due to that it provides a flexible, affordable and choice based ways to the clients to handle there HR needs. How these problems solved in modular level will be discussed in the upcoming article series.

Follow the following link to gain more details about the products of OrangeHRM

