Performance Module of OHRM


Charithra Kariyawasam
6 min readOct 10, 2017

The performance module is important to manage performance reviews of all employees in a company. This is module is important for HR department of a company to review their employees. Then it is also useful for decision makers in a project or a department for understanding what are the achievements of the colleagues against the co-operate targets.

Performance Module Features

The above snapshot shows what are the main functionalities in the Performance Module.

Let’s understand what is the need of each functionality and how these functionalities in the module achieve them.

1) Employee Trackers

Employee Tracker Functionality

Employee Tracker feature allows the main evaluator of a project or a department to have a more detailed review of a given employee or employees. So tracking every aspect what an employee has done in a project would not be practical without using this feature. So when a tracker is assigned to an employee, the other legally allowed employees can give a comment about the particular employee. So using them final main evaluator can evaluate him when the due date arrives. But it is not mandatory to value employee tracker to review an employee.

As we have an understanding about what employee tracker is, let’s understand how to add an employee tracker.

i) Add Tracker.

A performance tracker can only be made by an administrator. An administrator user will assign reviewers to a given employee. This reviewer can be any employee in the company whether the person is a supervisor or a subordinate for the particular employee. So this feature will give a chance to identify the particular employee’s interactions with the whole team by the final evaluation.

Manage Performance Tracker Screen

The above screen shows what are the currently assigned trackers and to whom have they assigned. Then if the current user is an admin user he/she can add/modify/delete reviews. So as an admin user to add a task click on the green add button on the top left corner.

After clicking the add button the following screen will be popped up. So if it is a new performance tracker an admin user can give a name for the tracker, employee who needs to be performance tracked and the reviewers who will review the particular employee. Admin user then can click the save button and set the tracker.

Adding A New Tracker

ii) Modify Or Delete A Given Tracker

Modifying Or Deleting a Tracker

Admin can modify or delete a tracker using the same manage performance tracker screen. At the bottom side of the same scree there is the following list. It contains all the current trackers. Admin can tick like in the above diagram and can update or delete the relevant trackers.

iii) Inserting a new log to a tracker

This is for the ongoing reviewing processes. An assigned reviewer by the admin can insert a log in the tracker. That assigner must go to the Tracker List feature in the Employee Tracker and can click the Tracker. Then the reviewer can update the log accordingly

Log adding form

2) Competencies


Competency feature in the Performance module concerns mainly about the skill set and the abilities which are required for employees to develop or have. Admin can add competencies using the admin module. This will be then grouped to a certain department based on that department’s skill set need.

Competence Functionality

Above screen shot shows what are the functionalities in the competency feature. It has a functionality called Competency mapping which will use by admins to group the relevant skill sets into particular groups designed by their relevant needs.

Competency Mapping scenario

Above figure shows a scenario where a mapping is given for some sub units. These subunit employees will be valued against these competence levels in their appraisals. But apart from those sub units an admin can specifically add job titles that need to achieve these competencies.

Competency List

Competency List contains the whole competencies which were added to the system using the admin module. In the above screen, admins can assign accordingly when the mapping process is going through. Another fact remember is that there is a certain value called weights in the mapping process. This will be used to value the affect of the competencies. If it is a high valued weight, it must be a highly needed competency for the functionality of that competency group and vice versa.

3) Goals


Goals Features

Goals are much more personalized and targeted achievements than the competencies. They can create by any employee in the company. They can set goals for themselves or they can set them for their subordinates.

Goal List

The above figure shows assigned goals to the employees. In the above figure goals that are highlighted in yellow are called parent goals and goals that are in front of them are called child goals. The child goal is a part of parent goal. It is the responsibility of the particular employee to achieve that goal.

If the employee want to add a goal following screen will be used.

Add Goal

The above screen contains a form which needs to be filled with the information such as goal type, goal name, status, assigned employee etc.There are two types of goal types as follows

  1. Business:- These are goals are co-operate goals and they are assigned by the supervisors to the subordinates and subordinates can’t edit those.
  2. Personal:- These are the types of goals which are assigned by employees to themselves and they can be modified by themselves.

Above screen will also contains typical goal details such as due date, completion levels and the name of the assigned employee.

4) Appraisals


An appraisal is the evaluation process of assigned competencies and goals to the employess. These appraisals can be assigned individual wise or group wise(bulk). In all these appraisals the employees or employees will be rated according to their performance in the previously set appraisal time span.

Features in the appraisals

Appraisals can be added using the appraisal list functionality in the appraisal feature. By clicking the add button in the right corner appraisal adding screens will be shown.

Appraisal List

The following form is a part of the add appraisal form. It will ask for info such as employee’s name, header types, due dates etc. Header types will be filled with the header templates. Header templates will be created in the configuration in the appraisal module. These will be explained later.

This part of the form can be filled with evaluator details. Then by clicking the save button appraisal can be set. Bulk appraisals can be done using the appraisal cycle feature. We can set a single appraisal for multiple employees using this feature.

Other features

There are two other features in this module namely configuration and report.The configuration is for customize headers and enter question which can be asked in an appraisal review. There is also a feature to design header templates.

The final feature is report building feature. It has various parameters to build reports which are self explanatory.

Above article provides brief insight to the OHRM performance module. Target of this article was to give a introductory understanding about this module. Do practical session with the demo software to have a better undersatanding

