How might you clarify your message so customers will listen?

Why you should read: Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller

Margriet Buseman
Orange Minds | 200+ Design Sprints
2 min readApr 17, 2020


“Customers don’t care about your story, they care about their own”.

When I asked for tips on ‘How might I become the best storyteller’
one suggestion kept coming back: Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller.

I read it in a few days and it became clear to me that that story I tell with my business can be so much better. Clearer. Less noise.

Book: Building a Story Brand

The basic are this:

  • ✂️ Cut the cr*p
  • 🦸‍♀️ Make your customer the hero

What does this mean?

Cut the cr*p

  • ✂️Your brain processes information (which costs energy) and steers away from confusion and seeks clarity. Our brain subconsciously asks: Is this information going to help me (survive)?
  • ✂️In general we all communicate with way too much noise. Nobody listens to noise. Within 5 seconds people decide if they continue reading your message.
  • ✂️Keep it simple, relevant, repeatable.

Make your customer the hero

  • 🦸‍♀️Stories have been around since cavemen sat around campfires. They are a tool for sense-making.
  • 🦸‍♀️The Story Brand is inspired by the Hero’s Journey, and has 7 ingredients:

1️⃣ a character
2️⃣ has a problem
3️⃣ meets a guide
4️⃣ who gives them a plan
5️⃣ calls them to action
6️⃣ that helps them avoid failure
7️⃣ that ends in success

Remember, people don’t buy the best product. They buy the product they can understand fastest. Have fun!

We’re Orange Minds. Adventurous out-of-the-box do-ers, engaged facilitators, challenging the status quo with humor, energy and years of innovation practice. We have run 90+ Design Sprints globally and countless innovation mindset workshops to get companies moving and adapt a growth mindset.

We love to read and share our insights that we apply to our business here on Medium. We are based in Amsterdam & work globally. You can find more about us on our website, Instagram or connect on LinkedIn.



Margriet Buseman
Orange Minds | 200+ Design Sprints

A Design Sprint enthousiast, changing the way people work. 100+ Design Sprints.