How might we empower people & organizations through visual collaboration?

A short short preview of the book: Visual Thinking

Margriet Buseman
Orange Minds | 200+ Design Sprints
2 min readJan 28, 2020


Love this book 💛. I facilitate teams almost on a weekly basis, and my drawing skills are good enough to get the point across, but could definitely be improved ✏️.

Luckily Willemien Brand put her years of experience running Buro BRAND into a wonderful and practical book.

During Design Sprints teams give feedback on how refreshing it is to draw out ideas versus long discussions. Especially more introverted team members have the space and time to work out their ideas and voice their thoughts in a new way.

But, not everyone is confident in drawing 😬.

So with Orange Minds we now give short drawing lessons before sketching on day 2 of the Design Sprint. Teams love it! ☀

I recommend this book to everyone to communicate with less words and with more power⚡.

Disclaimer: it does require you to practice… 😁.

We’re Orange Minds. Adventurous out-of-the-box do-ers, engaged facilitators, challenging the status quo with humor, energy and years of innovation practice. We have run 85+ Design Sprints globally and countless innovation mindset workshops to get companies moving and adapt a growth mindset.

We are based in Amsterdam & work globally. You can find more about us on our website, Instagram or connect on LinkedIn.



Margriet Buseman
Orange Minds | 200+ Design Sprints

A Design Sprint enthousiast, changing the way people work. 100+ Design Sprints.