How might helping others drive your success?

Why you should read the book Give and Take by Adam Grant

Robert Westerhuis
Orange Minds | 200+ Design Sprints
2 min readJan 13, 2020


We just finished reading the book Give & Take.

Adam talks about three different types of people in how they interact with others. They exist in all cultures across the world.

⬅Takers claim value. Striving to get as much as they can, under the assumption that if they don’t look out for themselves, no one else will.

🔁Matchers exchange value. Striving to maintain an equal balance of giving and receiving.

➡Givers contribute value. Striving to contribute as much as they can without expectations.

Simon Sinek has said “Givers advance the world.

Takers advance themselves and hold the world back”.

So, the world really would be a better place with more giving. In private relationships people have more giving tendencies.

Whereas at work we show more matching and taking behaviours.

Since we spend the majority of our waking hours at work, would it not be wonderful if we gave more there too?

If we all give, we increase everyone’s success.


⚡Ask for help. Research shows people are quite willing to give, but often don’t always realise they can.

⚡Five-minute favour. Make a connection, share your expertise, anything. 5 minutes of your time can greatly be of value to someone else.

What can we do for you?

We’re Orange Minds. Adventurous out-of-the-box do-ers, engaged facilitators, challenging the status quo with humor, energy and years of innovation practice. We have run 85+ Design Sprints globally and countless innovation mindset workshops to get companies moving and adapt a growth mindset.

We are based in Amsterdam & work globally. You can find more about us on our website, Instagram or connect on LinkedIn.



Robert Westerhuis
Orange Minds | 200+ Design Sprints

We’re Orange Minds, adventurous out-of-the-box do-ers, engaged facilitators, challenging the status quo with humor, energy and years of innovation practice.