Orbit Bridge: 1 Month Progress

Orbit Chain
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2020

It’s been a little less than one month since Orbit Chain’s Orbit Bridge IBC platform was launched and we’ve seen great progress so far!

A screenshot of Orbit Bridge’s latest ETH transactions

Orbit Bridge has exploded out of obscurity to become a mainstay of the IBC world. Unlike most other interchain projects, we have the great merit of having actually connected and validated assets cross-chain.

Orbit Chain’s Orbit Bridge has accomplished a feat no other interchain project has done before — moving a total of more than $35M USD worth of Ethereum assets to and from the Klaytn network. This includes having moved more than $20M USD of Ethereum assets to Klaytn. We expect much more asset movement in the future.

We wanted to share some stats with the community. As of November 25th, through a total of 2,431 transactions, Orbit Bridge has converted:


  • ETH -> KLAYTN: 158.66261009 wBTC
  • KLAYTN -> ETH: 33.42854409 wBTC


  • ETH -> KLAYTN: 18,098.36620659 ETH
  • KLAYTN -> ETH: 7,615.5945129 ETH


  • ETH -> KLAYTN: 3,938,184.778311 USDT
  • KLAYTN -> ETH: 2,313,049.170481 USDT


  • ETH -> KLAYTN: 53,912,400.03985068 ORC
  • KLAYTN -> ETH: 18,173,053.771184 ORC


  • ETH -> KLAYTN: 2,570,526.651355650718465523 DAI

This amounts to the aforementioned $35M USD in current value.

Orbit Chain will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. We’re in talks working on connecting many more public chains through Orbit Bridge. Globally renowned Validators have partnered with us and we’ll be announcing some of them in the coming days. These validators will further add stability and security to the asset movement of this decentralized IBC.

Orbit Bridge has currently been utilized most by KLAYswap, a Klaytn-based decentralized, automated liquidity protocol. KLAYswap has reached $48M USD in liquidity in just two weeks, much of this liquidity was provided through Orbit Bridge. ORC, Orbit Chain’s native token, is also available for deposit in a mining pool pairing.

Seeing our accomplishments so far, we can tell you confidently that we will grow and achieve much more in the future.

Anyone and everyone can safely and easily move and manage assets across heterogenous chains using Orbit Bridge. Try it out for yourself here:


Participate in Klaytn DeFi and utilize your Orbit Bridge assets in KLAYswap:


[About ozys]

ozys, the leading blockchain technology company in South Korea, works closely with public chain foundations to create widely-used, cutting edge blockchain-based services. Some key projects include: Allbit (decentralized exchange), EveryDAI (bridge for DAI), Klaystation (Klaytn staking tool), KLAYswap (Klaytn AMM Dex), and Orbit Bridge, an open IBC platform. ozys’ own blockchain, Orbit Chain, is a PoS consensus chain that integrates various blockchains and services to seamlessly connect the fragmented token economy. Orbit Chain currently supports 8+ public chains including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Tron, Klay, and Terra. ozys is committed to researching the interoperability of heterogeneous chains and further developing the DeFi ecosystem with better products and services. In doing so, ozys will create a more widespread audience and a stable blockchain ecosystem by allowing more DApp growth on various mainnets.

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