Filecoin Virtual Machine — An Introductory Workshop

On the 20th of January, 2023, Ethereum Nigeria hosted an in-person workshop on the introduction to Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM). The event was attended by developers, enthusiasts, and those interested in decentralized computing. The workshop aimed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the FVM and its underlying technologies, with sessions led by Longfei, a Developer Advocate at Protocol Labs, and Enoch, the Filecoin Orbit ambasador who focused on the introductory aspects of the FVM.

The Filecoin Virtual Machine is a decentralized computing platform that runs on the Filecoin network. It offers a new way of building and executing smart contracts, allowing developers to create decentralized applications that are secure, transparent, and scalable. The FVM is designed to be highly flexible, with support for multiple programming languages, making it accessible to developers of all skill levels.

Longfei’s session was focused on the coding aspect of the FVM. He took the attendees through a hands-on coding dojo session, demonstrating how to build and deploy a simple smart contract on the FVM. Longfei emphasized the importance of understanding the underlying mechanics of the FVM, and how it differs from other virtual machines such as Ethereum’s EVM. He also provided tips and tricks on how to optimize the performance of smart contracts on the FVM.

The introductory session was led by Enoch, who provided an overview of the FVM and its role in the decentralized computing ecosystem. He emphasized the significance of the FVM in providing a new level of security and trust in decentralized applications. They also highlighted the advantages of the FVM over traditional virtual machines, such as its scalability and its support for multiple programming languages.

At the end of the workshop, the attendees were provided with resources for further learning and were encouraged to participate in the Filecoin community. The workshop was well received by the attendees, with many expressing interest in building decentralized applications on the FVM.

In conclusion, the Filecoin Virtual Machine is a promising new platform for decentralized computing that has the potential to revolutionize the way we build and execute smart contracts. With its flexible and accessible architecture, the FVM is poised to become an important player in the decentralized computing ecosystem. We look forward to seeing the exciting applications that will be built on the FVM in the future.

Watch the highlight vibes

​Calling all developers for Filecoin Orbit Nigeria Open Hack Day. We are inviting you to build on the Filecoin virtual machine and showcase your creativity and innovative ideas.

​Enjoy the network and collaboration with other tech enthusiasts, and perhaps even walk away with some prize money.

• The workshop is aimed at Onboarding the next Africa startup on the Filecoin Virtual Machine.

​Click to join the group;


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Chukwuemeka Enoch Mbaebie
Filecoin Orbit Community Program Nigeria

Gospeller | Filecoin Orbit Ambasaddor| Dev Advocates | Devcon V Scholar Alumni |Block Chain Developer