Orbit Community Program, Lagos

This writeup is about the Orbit Community Program from the Filecoin Ecosystem which took place on the 5th of February 2022.

We partnered with Web3Bridge and had support from Yuliia Deriuhina, Team Lead Orbit Community to organize meetup for Web3 builders using this channel for registration https://www.meetup.com/Lagos-Ethereum-Meetup/events/283649274/ with participation from the amazing cohorts learning blockchain development. The outcome was recognized right on this tweet:https://twitter.com/filecoin/status/1492305302166728704?s=21

The team lead shared about what the community is about followed by my talk on Intro to IPFS, Filecoin.

During the Happy hour moment, we engaged cohorts on short quiz regarding the training and five scholars by name Blessing, Victor, Jumoke, Nuel, Wuraola on this picture below emerged winners and the community shared a recognition swags.

Our next project is the Filecoin Conference, Lagos with date March 24th–26th, 2022 and focus is on Blockchain, NFT, Decentralized storage, the Metaverse, technical innovations in the Web 3.0 ecosystems — their wide reaching effect on commerce, culture, communities and Grants opportunities.
If you are interested to speak, facilitate a workshop, partner or sponsor any of the deck packages, kindly reach out to us via email to info@ethng.io, whatsapp+ 234(0)80-3297-2057

Past events



Chukwuemeka Enoch Mbaebie
Filecoin Orbit Community Program Nigeria

Gospeller | Filecoin Orbit Ambasaddor| Dev Advocates | Devcon V Scholar Alumni |Block Chain Developer