Web3 Educational Workshop

Spheron meetup held on 3rd December 2022 at Colab Innovation Hub, Barnawai, Kaduna State was successful.

The event which started around 10:30 am and ended around 2:30 pm featured 2 speakers. The event had good attendance with several discussions around Blockchain, Spheron Protocol, Web3, Filecoin, and IPFS.

The First Speaker Seunbayo talked about Web3 and introduced the concepts and history of blockchain to the attendees, he further spoke about the concepts of Decentralization.

The second speaker Faith M. Roberts talked about Filecoin and IPFS, how they are linked, web 3 developer tools, and possible projects developers can work on in the web 3 space.

What followed was a hands-on session where attendees were thought how to use Spheron protocol to deploy applications to Filecoin.



Chukwuemeka Enoch Mbaebie
Filecoin Orbit Community Program Nigeria

Gospeller | Filecoin Orbit Ambasaddor| Dev Advocates | Devcon V Scholar Alumni |Block Chain Developer