Where to get your blockchain news

Here are reputable places to find blockchain news relevant to your business

Nate Simantov
The Orbs Blog
4 min readFeb 27, 2019


The internet is crowded enough. When it comes your business, your time is too valuable to be spent hopping all over, trying to make sense of it all the potentially relevant developments. Here is a short list of reputable outlets who are usually on-the-nose and timely when it comes to reporting on breaking developments in the world of blockchain. See someone make a great argument for a use case on Twitter? They may be worth following. Love a project? Check out its Telegram group.

Huge caveat: This list is far from complete, and is only meant to help you focus your time and energy. A general rule when it ones to reading news is that its best to visit the sources used in any article, when possible. In addition, if there is a particular project you are curious or excited about, best to subscribe to the official SM channels and notified of updates straight from the horses mouth (after all, in most cases this is how the outlets themselves get wind of the news in the first place).

Tech focused:


20 million monthly page views don’t lie. Venturebeat has been a household name among tech enthusiasts for over a decade, and have in recent years been pushing lots of blockchain news to the top.

They are one of the first major tech news sites to publish press releases in the blockchain world, and are known for publishing news on blockchain startups from a more traditional tech/startup point of view and not from a blockchain insider view (like Coindesk would).


You probably don’t need to be told about Techcrunch, pretty much legacy media at this point when it comes to tech. Many people use TC to hear about the latest consumer gadgets, but it is a well of solid information relating to the world of blockchain as well. They are usually tech focused, and mainly high-profile so less likely to philosophize than to discuss announcements like new tech developments and potentially important business mergers.

IBM Blockchain

I put this under tech-focused because its, well, IBM — but even a short visit to this site will surprise you as it becomes clear they are focusing on business application for blockchain extremely seriously. If you scroll down you will see a section dedicated specifically to use-cases for businesses. This is not the place to get tips on crypto trading.

Honorable mention: Blocks Decoded.



A favorite among many blockchain developers, Hackernoon gets into the nitty-gritty of blockchain from coding to trading crypto. Hosted on Medium, Hackernoon is a curated collection of writings, arguments musings and breakdowns from the global blockchain developing community. The content is so rich and wide ranging, you will forget there are other topics in the world after reading for a while.


Die-hard blockchain geeks hate when I suggest that a legacy, mainstream, wall-street fanboy outlet like Bloomberg could have something interesting to add to a conversation on blockchain, but they are wrong. Bloomberg not only has unique takes on blockchains impact on the finance world, it helps give people in their bubble a better understanding of what the consensus is among the general population.



It’s impossible to make a list like this without mentioning Coindesk. The name is almost synonymous with “crypto authority” at this point. Aside from hosting the annual Consensus summit (largest blockchain gathering in the world), they created the original reference rate known as the Bitcoin Price Index, widely sourced by legacy finance media outlets like Wall Street Journal and CNBC regularly. The site is a massive resource for both beginners and mavens, and a home page to many heavy hitters in the crypto world.


Celebrating 850k users, this subreddit is now the most popular of its kind on reddit. For the most part, reddit is more of a link aggregator than a content host, so it makes for a great portal to discovering new information sources.

The good thing about the site is that like most subreddits, the /r/cryptocurrency community will curate the content — letting you know what matters — but this is also the downside: Anyone can post to reddit and there are ways to manipulate the community by consensus hacking in ways that you cannot with an online magazine, so be aware as you read.


Very comprehensive in terms of topic range, CCN is great if you enjoy light reading on heavy topics. When so many sites will offer a heavy take on a heavy topic, CCN articles are so light and fun you can almost feel the writers enjoying their job. The site also doesn’t seemed too concerned about touching on general economic politics which is somehow refreshing for a blockchain site. More crypto oriented than blockchain but also high level. The channels are also well parsed, with sections for video, live feed, market overviews, and resources for new and experienced traders alike.

Honorable mentions:

Cointelegraph, The Verge.

For business

Business of Blockchain newsletter

If you are an admin of a business looking for ways to use blockchain, subscribe to Business of Blockchain, the newsletter released by Orbs twice a month. Short paragraphs boiled down to the gist without fluff, BoB was designed specifically to keep you informed on blockchain developments which actually matter to your business without falling down a tech-term rabbit hole.

