OrbTank Research

The Whats, The Whys and The Hows

OrbTank Research
1 min readSep 5, 2018


At OrbTank Research we carry out field studies aimed at understanding how different countries, businesses and societies attempt to reduce their environmental footprint and shift from a linear to a circular economy.

To carry out our studies, we use a combination of immersive field research, systems thinking and a keen business sense. We believe that in the new era of the circular economy these skills are going to be fundamental to transforming existing businesses — or creating new businesses and organisations — to be regenerative by design.

We feel it’s important to point out that our studies are not investigative journalism or academic research. Instead, they are meant to provide a holistic understanding of different processes and systems through the first-hand perspectives of their main actors.

We are not criticising anything that we have (or will have) seen. It is what it is for a reason. Finding this reason is what we are after.

