In-App Updates are here!

1 min readOct 8, 2021


Get the latest news about Orca, directly within the app 🐳

Ever find yourself straying a little far from the pod, unsure of how to stay on top of all the latest changes at Orca? We’ve got your (hump)back! 🐋

The next time you open, be on the lookout for the bell icon in the navbar. Anytime you see a yellow dot, it means that we have some news to share! We will be using this feature, called Updates, to share tips, tutorials, news, and more.

To see what’s new, simply click the bell. All new updates will have a yellow dot indicating that you haven’t read them yet; simply click to mark as read. In some cases, you can also interact with the update directly by clicking the yellow button.

As always, thank you for being part of our pod! We know Crypto Twitter can feel like a full-time job, so we hope this little feature makes it easier to learn about new pools, tend to your Aquafarms, and keep up with the Orca community.

If you’re new to Orca, you can try out a swap on, follow us on Twitter, or join our Discord and Telegram. Sea you there! 😉



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