Announcing Wave 1 of the Whirlpools Builders Program!

A wave of builders: Eleven teams, $225K in grants, and a boatload of exciting new protocols

Published in
4 min readSep 2, 2022


A new wave of innovation is rolling into the Orca ecosystem… Specifically, Wave 1 of the Whirlpools Builders Program! 🐳

The Builders Program was launched in late May to grow the Orca ecosystem by incentivizing developers to build on Orca’s capital-efficient Whirlpools. 🌀

Since then, there have been an overwhelming number of applications to build on Orca’s open source, dual-audited Whirlpools smart contract across the entire DeFi stack!

“Orca’s goal is to provide infrastructure that allows anyone to build web3 applications faster, more easily, and with the best user experience. To that end, the protocol is committed to supporting developers who demonstrate a willingness to build, ship, and embrace an open-source ethos.”

— Ori Kwan, co-founder of Orca

Program Objectives

Projects submitted to the Builders Program were assessed on the following objectives:

  1. Enable a wider range of users to access concentrated liquidity through Whirlpools
  2. Achieve better rates for LPs and traders by improving capital-efficiency
  3. Develop a more decentralized ecosystem of products and developers

In turn, there are three key target areas that are particularly crucial for new projects where Orca can assist:

  1. Capital: Projects need funding to get off the ground and hire expertise in development blind spots
  2. User Acquisition: Orca’s thriving userbase can serve as a launchpad for innovative new projects
  3. Mentorship: Orca’s cutting-edge development team can provide expert assistance to builders starting out in DeFi

Twenty-five projects applied for a grant, and the strength of the concepts submitted is a testament to the passion of the Orca community. Many started building even before their grant was finalized!

As recipient projects come to fruition in the coming months Whirlpools will become even easier to use, offer greater utility, and provide more market transparency.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Orca cannot and does not endorse or guarantee the security or final quality of products in the Builders Program. Grant recipients have been selected on the basis of proficiency, experience, and potential to grow the Orca ecosystem. All podmates should exercise caution and do their own due diligence before interacting with or depositing into any protocol listed above.

In the end, eleven projects in total were selected for a grant in Wave 1. Take a dive into the winners…

🌊 Liquidity Management 🌀

These grant recipients are building vault products on Whirlpools to improve usability and extend functionality.


Tulip is building a concentrated liquidity vault that reduces divergence loss and auto-compounds rewards.


Builders at work: The Tulip team!

Kamino (Powered by Hubble)

Hubble is building Kamino, a vault that gives LPs exposure to the benefits of concentrated liquidity without continuous rebalancing. It also offers a novel method to use Whirlpool LP positions as collateral.

Website: Kamino and Hubble Protocol

Builders at work: The Hubble team!


Investin is building vaults on Whirlpools and Mango v3 with active liquidity provision executed by vault managers. LPs will be able to monitor activity through a UI that shows vault positions with performance charts and expected APRs.


Builders at work: The Investin team!


Boson is building single token vaults to auto compound and aggregate Whirlpools yields.



Vyper is building delta-neutral vaults on Whirlpools that incorporate efficient leveraged farming.

Website: vyper.protocol

Builders at work: SolBrickLayer, Crypto_Notte, Vanderlinde, and Heremitas!

Goblin Gold

Goblin Gold is building a vault protocol that will aggregate yield across stable assets. The team aims to increase the composability of Whirlpools NFT positions by providing users with a fungible LP token.


Builders at work: Binye Barwe and team!


Hedge Farm is building automated concentrated liquidity management solutions using quantitative strategies.

Website: HedgeFarm (Twitter)

Team: a team of experienced builders led by Aurélien and Nicolas!

🛠️ Trading Tools ⛏️

These grant recipients are empowering traders on Orca with more sophisticated trade execution.


Autonomy is building an on-chain protocol to assist with various order types for Orca traders, including limit orders and stop losses. Their autoswap feature introducing limit orders is already live!


Team: James and Diego!

📉 Quantitative Tooling 📈️

These grant recipients are building analytical tools to help users better understand market dynamics.


APY.Vision is building performance statements and analytics (PnL) in a slick UI for Whirlpools liquidity positions.

Website: APY.Vision

Team: The APY.Vision team!

Compass Labs

Compass Labs is building intelligent algorithms for providing liquidity on Whirlpools (a tool for easy access to active liquidity provisioning in Orca’s Whirlpools while optimizing for the investors’ risk-adjusted returns).


Team: Elisabeth and Rohan!


Mayflower is creating liquidity bootstrapping tools to initialize liquidity for new or low-liquidity assets and pools.

Team: the Mayflower team!

A detailed list of the proposals, teams, and grant amounts distributed will be available on our Builders Portal. Look out for AMAs and a Demo Day with grant recipients as they grow the Orca ecosystem! 🐳

Want to join the wave of developers building on Whirlpools? Hop into the #whirlpools-builders channel of the Orca Discord, where you’ll meet developer advocates Yugure (yugure#3291) and Fuzzy Yeti (fzzyyti#1196). They’ll help you get up to speed and shipping in no time! 🛠️

Disclaimer: The content of this communication is not financial advice and should not be relied on by any persons or entities as financial advice. This communication has not been provided in consideration of any recipient’s financial needs. We have not conducted any financial assessment based on the personal circumstances of any recipients. Before using the Orca protocol, carefully review all relevant documentation and consider risks, including, without limitation, total loss of funds.



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