Build through the storm: A November to remember

While the current market storm has taken center stage, there’s sunshine ahead for DeFi on Solana…

Published in
5 min readNov 29, 2022


While the world of crypto faces a storm (again!), the Orca ecosystem is thriving in the deep.

With no ties to FTX or Alameda, Orca has facilitated $1B in trading volume in November alone without breaking a sweat. Daily volumes on Orca have regularly exceeded those of every other top-ten AMM on Solana combined, and Orca’s runway and roadmap remain unaffected (for more info, check out this from Orca’s founders).

Orca’s choice of chain has also been vindicated: Solana has processed the deluge of transactions cascading from the FTX collapse without a hitch.

This crisis originated from CeFi. DeFi on Solana provides a solution, with the transparency of a public blockchain running open-sourced protocols, and the security of users having full custody of their own assets. While the stain of the FTX crisis will linger like an oil spill, Solana’s DeFi ecosystem will recover thanks to builders who stay the course and keep innovating through this bear market.

Orca is committed to lowering the barriers to creation in web3 through the Orca Builders Program and with the help of Orca’s dev advocates. New developer documentation to enable greater access for new builders is underway and will be published shortly.

While November will go down in Solana history as one of its most trying times, the month also saw one of the greatest reasons to be optimistic about the ecosystem: Breakpoint 2022.

Despite being overshadowed by the FTX debacle that surfaced the day after it wrapped, Breakpoint offered a wealth of actionable insights for those willing to tune out the noise and bring about the next evolution of Solana DeFi.

If you couldn’t attend, have no fear: Read on to discover what Orca was up to at Breakpoint!

Desirable, feasible, viable: How to build in DeFi

“Now that we’ve built some pretty good legos… It’s time to start building structures”

On the closing day of Breakpoint, Orca co-founders Ori and Yutaro took to the stage to make their keynote presentation: Human-Centered Design for Crypto.

Using their combined experience in software engineering and design, Ori and Yutaro explain how projects in web3 must satisfy three requirements to survive: They must be desirable, feasible, and viable. Further, they shared their vision for Orca going into 2023 as a public good: Open to all and facilitating creativity in all its forms, from super-useful, to super-fun!

You can watch the presentation here (be sure to keep an ear out for what kind of applications Yutaro sees strong potential for on Solana! 😉).

To read the transcript, click here.

Where to next for DeFi Governance?

A smart DAO learns from its mistakes; a wise DAO learns from the mistakes of others…

As Orca continues down the path of decentralization, there are constantly new lessons to be learned from other projects swimming in the same direction.

Boaz from the Orca team hosted a panel on DeFi governance with Avi Meyers from Flipside Crypto, Patrick Perlmutter from Lighthouse, and Emon Motamedi from Solana Labs.

Under the topic of “How much transparency is enough in DeFi governance”, the quadruplet explored the various hurdles and bottlenecks that plucky protocols must navigate to reach the “castle on the hill” of full decentralization. They also speculated on how DAOs may structure themselves differently, like being more pragmatic with how governance powers are distributed, or tying voting power to user contributions as part of a “reputation” system.

To watch the panel, click here. For a transcript, click here.

The Orca Climate Fund at ReFi Lisbon

Fighting climate change through the power of web3

Thazin from the Orca team presented at ReFi Lisbon on the Orca Climate Fund, detailing how DeFi can make a difference in the real world by harnessing the power of Web3. With Orca’s donation of $550K to Ocean Conservancy now complete, there’s a lot for podmates to be proud and excited about! 🐳

Going forward, the Orca Climate Fund aims to collaborate with other protocols, DAO’s, and non-web3 projects/orgs to explore web3 solutions for climate change together. Want to participate in the future of the Orca Climate Fund, working at the intersection between Web3 and Climate? Head over here.

How many builders can you fit in a Breakpoint party? 🤔

In the spirit of building in a bear market, Orca proudly co-hosted a Breakpoint party for DeFi builders with Solend, MonkeDAO, and Jupiter!

Gatherings like this are a great opportunity for teams to learn from each other and encourage collaboration. While Telegram and Twitter have their upsides, sometimes it’s great to meet other builders without the use of a screen!

While the crypto seas are stormy right now, DeFi on Solana has a bright future waiting just behind the clouds. Orca will continue to lower the barrier to creation in web3 by empowering developers with grants, education, and assistance through Orca’s Builders Program. Stay tuned — and see you at Breakpoint next year podmates! 🐳

Disclaimer: The content of this communication is not financial advice and should not be relied on by any persons or entities as financial advice. This communication has not been provided in consideration of any recipient’s financial needs. We have not conducted any financial assessment based on the personal circumstances of any recipients. Before using the Orca protocol, carefully review all relevant documentation and consider risks, including, without limitation, total loss of funds.



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