Introducing the Community Listings Beta

Launch your own pools on Orca!

Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2022


Ever wanted to list a new token on Orca, or launch a new pool with an exotic token pair?

Well have no fear podmates, for the Community Listings Beta is here! 🐳

Until now, only tech-savvy Orca users have been able to list new token pools, by interacting directly with Orca’s smart-contracts or SDK. But as part of Orca’s mission to create an open and decentralized protocol, pool creation will soon be possible for many more podmates!

Orca currently has over 70 tokens listed. In the Community Listings Beta, users will be able to create pools using any SPL token listed on CoinGecko — well over 500! Further, Orca users will be able to submit tokens that are not on CoinGecko to the Orca Token List to be vetted for suitability.

By following a simple pool creation flow, users will soon be able to swiftly create and configure new pools on Let’s dive in! 👇

Launching a pool in two steps: Configure and Create

To get started, first head on over to Just click “Get started”, and you’ll be able to select which tokens you’d like paired in your pool:

Tokens already listed on the Orca Token List (see below) can be found in the drop-down menu. If you want to list a token from CoinGecko that’s not yet on Orca, you’ll need its mint address and to fill in this short form.

In the next step, you can set the parameters of your new pool: the initial price, the price range you will support with your liquidity, and the fees you will earn from traders.

With the recent roll-out of fee-tiers on Orca, you can choose how much you want to charge traders to use your new pool: 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.3%, or 1%. This gives LPs more optionality, driving more competition and delivering greater capital efficiency for all users!

For the sake of this example, this is an ORCA/mSOL pool with a 1% fee

When listing a new pool, an initial price and range based on current market data will be pre-populated where possible; but you can easily customize these to your specifications by altering values in the boxes yourself.

To prevent duplicate pools and fragmented liquidity, newly listed pools cannot have the same token pair and fee-tier as existing pools on Orca.

Once you’ve set your parameters, you’re almost ready to list your new pool!

Orca’s UI will soon automatically display a sensible token ordering based on frequently used “quote” tokens. For example, the price for a hypothetical token XYZ that is worth 10 USDC would be quoted as 10 USDC per 1 XYZ instead of 0.1 XYZ per 1 USDC.

Once you’re happy with the preview, click “Create Whirlpool and deposit”, and check out your new pool on!

The Orca Token List

In the Community Listings Beta, only SPL tokens on CoinGecko or the Orca Token List can be used to launch a new pool.

For tokens that are not on CoinGecko, projects and token holders can submit tokens to be added to the Orca Token List here, by filling in a few details about the project.

For support queries, head on over to the Orca Discord. And feedback on this latest evolution of the Orca ecosystem in the #feedback channel is always welcome 😉

With Community Listings, Orca’s journey continues as an open and efficient piece of DeFi lego for the Solana ecosystem. Enjoy the Beta! 🐳

Disclaimer: The content of this communication is not financial advice and should not be relied on by any persons as financial advice. This communication has not been provided in consideration of any recipient’s financial needs. We have not conducted any financial assessment based on the personal circumstances of any recipients. Before using the protocol, carefully review all relevant documentation and consider risks including total loss of funds.



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