Orcanauts: Full Mint Guide

4 min readNov 25, 2021


With just a few days until launch, here’s all you need to know to claim an Orcanaut NFT!

Minting at orcanauts.orca.so in two batches on Saturday, November 27th!

As the tide of DeFi rises, a pod of playful creatures come swimming to the surface. The Orcanauts are nearly here — and ready for a new adventure…

At long last, it’s almost time for the launch of Orcanaut NFTs!

In 2 days, the minting process will begin. Here’s all you need to know to claim an adorable aquatic companion…

The two-phase mint will take place at orcanauts.orca.so. Phase I will begin at 16:00 UTC on November 27th; Phase II will begin later the same day at 24:00 UTC.

  • As Orcanauts were created for our loyal community, Phase I will be restricted for Orca users. To qualify as an Orca user, you must have made a swap or provided liquidity on the Orca DEX at any point before 24:00 UTC on November 25th (there’s still time if you haven’t yet!).
  • Those who qualify for Phase I will be able to mint an Orcanaut at the slightly discounted price of 0.6 SOL. However, only 2,000 Orcanauts will be available to mint in this Phase — so you’ll have to swim fast if you want to get ahead of the crowd!
  • In Phase II, the mint will be opened up to all of Solana. This is where the whale’s share of the minting will take place. When this Phase begins at 24:00 UTC, the remaining 7,960 Orcanauts will be mintable at the slightly higher price of 0.7 SOL.

(Note that of the 10,000 Orcanauts, 40 Honorary Orcanauts have been minted for members of the core Orca team and for partners of the Orca DEX to raise awareness of the project. You can recognize these adorable critters by their distinctive markings — with dark Orca coloring for core team members, and holographic blue for friends of Orca. Rumor has it that some of these ‘nauts are being given away… be sure to follow our Twitter for clues 😉)

For those who aren’t able to mint on the day, but are dying to add a ‘naut to their NFT collection, there will be a secondary market created for Orcanauts on Magic Eden immediately after the mint closes (~24–36 hours from the mint start time).

75% of the mint revenues from Orcanauts will be donated to Aflatoun to develop a DeFi curriculum for kids worldwide. The remaining 25% will go to the artist. So all those who wade into the water in search of an Orcanautical companion, can do so for a good cause!

And lastly, we’d like you to meet an important member of the team, without whom Orcanauts wouldn’t have been possible.

Earlier this month we introduced you to the talented Cori Huang, the artist who brought these lovable critters to life. This week, we’d like you to meet another vital contributor to the project: Jon Wong, the lead engineer on Orcanauts whose work behind the scenes made this NFT project possible.

He’d like to share this short message with you below:

“Hi! My name is Jon, the engineering lead on Orcanauts. I’m excited to bring this lighthearted NFT collection to the Solana ecosystem; this project has been a delightful balance between innovation in the NFT space and knowing how much impact it’ll bring to the world at-large, both on and off-chain. I know how much the community loves Orca — I’m hoping that a friendly Orcanaut will brighten up your day and that they might even serve as a friendly guide for someone new to the DeFi universe!

While I’m hoping Orcanauts are the cutest part of your growing NFT collection come mint day, I’m most looking forward to growing the #orcanautical community, spotlighting and supporting artists, and making Orca (and Solana!) a brighter, more inclusive space for all.”

We’ll be hosting a Twitter Spaces with Cori and Jon, as well as a couple special guests, on Friday, November 26th at 18:00 UTC! Keep an eye out on the Orca Twitter for details.

Disclaimer: The content of this communication is not financial advice and should not be relied on by any persons as financial advice. This communication has not been provided in consideration of any recipient’s financial needs. We have not conducted any financial assessment based on the personal circumstances of any recipients. All persons are encouraged to seek their own independent financial advice prior to taking any further action.




The official account of Orca: The most user-friendly AMM on Solana 🐳 https://orca.so