James Taylor
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2019


The platform to empower teams at scale to do their best work.

We hope you’re looking forward to the festive season break! We certainly are — it’s been quite a year for Orchestrated and time to recap the features released and major events in 2019. We also wanted to announce the launch of our Rapid Organisational Pulse Check where we provide insights and suggested actions in a timeboxed exercise (If we don’t meet the agreed use case, we won’t charge you) — more details below, or contact us to discuss your use cases in more detail.

First off — a huge Thank You to those who attended our booths at the recent Atlassian Open — we do appreciate your time and it was great to hear your challenges which directly informs how we continue to build out our product.

As a quick refresher: Mapper is a team management platform that delivers critical insights, experiences and interventions necessary for organisations to create the conditions where teams can do their best work. Integrate people and work data, support real-time team-native organisational design, overlay cross-functional operating models, allocate people/teams behind outcomes and track organisational/team agility health. Arrange a demo here.

Team Management

In July, we introduced our Capacity Planner and Team Management module enabling the ability to manage supply and demand of capability to work (i.e. the marketplace of capability in an organisation). This directly supports the shift to more frequent planning cycles and conversations on delivery between leaders, via a drag and drop collaborative tool.

Team Directory

At the core of People Mapper is the team. Q — what do you consider to be a ‘team’? Is it your line management, the squad you belong to, the centre of expertise or guild of like-minded individuals, or ‘the people you talk daily to get stuff done’?

We believe it’s all of those and more, in fact, the concept of a team is organic and is constantly changing. This is why we continually hear from clients “I don’t know where to go to get something done in my organisation!”.

To solve this problem in January we shipped Team Directory into our base platform — a view which helps an organisation publish their teams but also their services, skills and specialisations, plus memberships of each team or group. If you or your stakeholders don’t know where to go to get something done — you need Team Directory!

Proficiency Metrics

How does a team know when customer value is realised? How does an organisation know if a team is improving, if they are self-sufficient or if they need help? Is there something outside of the team’s control where an organisation’s intervention will streamline product delivery?

Through the lens of the team, utilising Mapper’s unique view of the work, the Metrics module ‘sees’, crowdsources and suggests insights to make teams more effective. We celebrate key modern metrics like those outlined in Jez Humble’s ‘Accelerate’ book; ‘Change Lead Time’, ‘Cycle Time’ and ‘Change Failure Rate’. These metrics allow teams to focus on their flow of work and understand their value stream: how long it takes to get an idea from conception to the hands of a customer and what is constraining them. This also allows organisations to remedy systemic constraints that slow the organisation down.

Business Agility Institute (BAI) — Annual Survey Report

In August we helped provide the statistical analysis and input into the BAI’s annual survey report. The report finds significant and encouraging benefits for organisations reporting higher levels of agility, including increased revenue and market share, faster turnaround times, improved relationships with customers, and higher employee engagement.

The key insight from that report is the emergence of 3 key predictors of business agility. Organisations who reported higher ratings in these characteristics also report higher overall business agility and associated benefits:

  • Funding Model — align to outcomes (not projects) and provide adaptive funding
  • Value Stream — maximise value creation and reduce handoffs with cross-functional teams who understand the delivery from concept to creation and into the hands of the customer; and
  • Relentless Improvement — embed a culture of learning, experimentation and empowerment.

Download the 2019 & 2018 reports here. Contact us to discuss the findings.

Rapid Organisational Pulse Check

Our work with large complex organisations has given us a wealth of experience, observations and learnings in Agile at scale; we know what others are doing, the challenges they faced and how they overcame them. Are you struggling with where to start, or how to embed new ways of working? Challenged by people, processes, data or systems (or everything!)?

Today we launch a Rapid Organisational Pulse Check where, via a timeboxed exercise, will understand where you are on the path to agility, then identify and agree with you appropriate business challenges or outcomes that can be solved using Mapper. Timeboxing constrains the cost to you and if we can’t solve the challenge, we won’t charge you.

With that, we wish you a well earned season break, followed by a successful 2020 and beyond!

The team at Orchestrated.

If you’d like to know more or would like to arrange a demonstration or a Rapid Organisational Pulse Check, contact us or register here.

