Orchrd Launches Community

Peter C. Allport
2 min readDec 22, 2017


An exclusive discussion board for educators.

Introducing Community (request access: https://goo.gl/ushkxi)

TAMPA, FLORIDA — December 22, 2017 — Orchrd, LLC. today announced the launch of a new feature (plugin) called Community.

Community is an exclusive discussion board for teachers, thought leaders, and innovators in education. Community will help increase collaboration by providing members the ability to discuss pressing items organized into groups called threads. While currently invite-only, Community is free to use and is a part of the greater Class platform.

Bigger Picture

For those not familiar, Class is a groundbreaking analytics and collaboration app providing teachers and schools with unique insights into the classroom. Features range from “interruption-free”, anonymized questions submitted by students to the “Live Understanding” chart which details how well students are following in real-time. Community represents a huge milestone in Orchrd growing their plugin “Marketplace”. Marketplace makes it easy for teachers to choose what features they want to use while making the product approachable and easy to understand.


Fortunately, interested teachers, school officials, and creatives alike don’t have to wait until they are invited by a colleague. Orchrd currently provides a “Request Invite” screen allowing potential members to provide their email and job description.

The following link (https://goo.gl/ushkxi), can be used to request access to join Community.

For those interested in learning more about Class and the new plugin, Community, please reach out to Orchrd below.

Summary (TL;DR)

  • Orchrd launches Community, an exclusive discussion board for educators.
  • Community is a feature (plugin) and is a part of the greater Class platform.
  • Community will help foster collaboration and innovation in education.
  • Community is currently invite-only.


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☎️ (203) 699–6683


🗺 500 E Kennedy Blvd, 3rd Floor, Tampa, FL 33602

