ORDER — Resource Links for Operators in Hospitality (updated daily)

Ashton Stronks
Order Hospitality
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2020

Below is a running list of resource links shared by members of ORDER. We are updating this list as we go. If you have valuable links to share, drop them in the comments.

To learn more or request an invite to ORDER visit OrderHospitality.com

Global Newswire

Industry Reporting

  • EATER has the most relevant regional coverage, follow your city
  • Nations Restaurant News covers national stories
  • CNBC will have the national broadcast level restaurant news

Key Government and Industry Association Guidance

The National Restaurant Association has published information on emergency paid leave mandates with employer tax credits HERE

NYC Office of Nightlife provides a platform for all information on coronavirus for workers, business owners and the community.

CA.gov Employment Development Department offers guidance on unemployment, assistance for businesses and other protocol for employers in California:

HR & Employment

First and foremost — seek individual employment advice, consult with HR professionals and counsel.

Again, seek employment counsel.

Retail Operations

Delivery Services

  • Uber & GrubHub / Chownow / Seamless, have waived fees
  • Postmates has a toolkit for delivery employees and announces plans to cover healthcare related to COVID 19
  • Donate to Meals on Wheels for Americas seniors

Mental Health

Funding & Finance

Non-Profits & Impact Orgs

  • Rethink Food NYC is a non-profit organization working to recover nutritious excess food to provide low or no-cost meals to New York City families in need. As a result of the coronavirus, we are increasing our operations as access to emergency food and supplies decreases.
  • SupportRestaurants.org is a collective of restaurant industry professionals set an initiative in motion to get funds into the hands of restaurants now. Dining Bonds is an industry-wide initiative that works like a savings bond where guests will purchase a “bond” at a value rate to be redeemed for face value at a future date.
  • Service Worker’s Coalition is accepting donations and calling for volunteers to benefit service workers.
  • USBG National Charity Foundation offers a Bartender Emergency Assistance Program to share with bar teams. Donations can be made here.
  • Southern Smoke is a nonprofit 501c3 charitable foundation. Their Emergency Relief Program provides emergency funding to those employed by or own restaurants or bars or are employed by a restaurant or bar supplier that are faced unforeseen expenses that cannot or will not be covered by insurance.

Federal Offices

