UberEats Integration with Clover: The Solution to Streamline Food Delivery Orders

Zack Martin
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2019

It’s official: food delivery services are here to stay and if you’re a restaurant owner you should highly consider getting involved. Although there are countless services, like Grubhub, Postmates, DoorDash, and Amazon Restaurants to name a few; UberEats is one of the most recognizable among consumers and is widely available throughout the US. Although many fast food mega-corporations have turned to UberEats to serve their delivery needs, embracing a partnership with the food delivery service can have immense benefits for restaurants of all sizes when implemented correctly. Unfortunately, restaurants who are already utilizing the service find that having to manage the individual tablets and manually input orders into the point of sale, just isn’t practical and slows down operations. Thankfully, there is now a solution!

The Problem

Many restaurants who are already accepting orders through UberEats find that the process is overwhelming at times. This is because there is no direct UberEats to Clover POS integration in place. Instead, the restaurant staff rely on the use of tablets to receive these orders. If the restaurant is partnered with several food delivery services, this can mean keeping up with orders on several different devices. From there, staff must manually enter the UberEats orders in POS systems. In an already fast-paced restaurant environment, this can be difficult to manage and increases the odds of errors and delays. Not to mention, having an employee stop their normal routine to handle this. The restaurants want the orders but they don’t want the operational nightmare that comes with it.

Problem Example: A small Italian restaurant experiences a high volume of walk-in clients on a Saturday night. This rush also coincides with a busy time for delivery orders. The restaurant accepts orders from six different food delivery services, but UberEats is their best performer. The clients currently dining in and waiting to see a hostess are demanding the attention of the staff members, meanwhile the UberEats tablet is chiming with orders. By the time a staff member reviews the tablet, there are ten new orders which have to be entered into the Clover POS system manually. In a rush, the staff member enters the orders but enters one incorrectly. One client will now receive the wrong dinner, twenty minutes later than anticipated. Even worse, the restaurant turns off the tablets to reject the orders because they are so overwhelmed! They are unhappy with the service and will likely not order from the Italian restaurant using UberEats again.

This is an all too common occurrence in restaurants who manage food delivery service orders through several different devices. The key to making the practice successful is to streamline the entire process.

The Solution

The key to streamlining third party food delivery orders is to integrate UberEats with Clover using OrderOut. This drastically increases productivity and reduces the risk of mistakes or delays. After a customer places an order with UberEats, it is then sent directly to the Clover POS system. This means that staff can focus on preparing the orders and tending to clients, rather than chasing down tablets and entering each order into the system manually.

Solution Example: One week later, the Italian restaurant integrates UberEats with Clover having downloaded the OrderOut app. Saturday night arrives and once again, the restaurant is packed, and the staff members are busy. The orders from UberEats, however, are sent directly to the Clover POS system as they are placed. The specific ticket is printed automatically in the kitchen and they can begin preparing everything immediately. Each order is made exactly as specified by the customer and the meal is delivered on time. The customer is satisfied and recommends using UberEats to order from the restaurant to friends and co-workers. The customer also loves the food and service so much, that maybe they visit the restaurant in-person next time.

Integrate UberEats with Clover Using OrderOut

UberEats integration with Clover may sound like a time-consuming and expensive process. Fortunately, if you are questioning how to integrate UberEats with Clover, the answer is simple. The OrderOut app is available in the Clover App Market and only takes a matter of minutes to set-up and install. Download OrderOut to streamline the process of delivery orders in your restaurant and integrate UberEats directly to your Clover Point of Sale.

