Top 5 Best Extensions for Visual Studio Code

Jack Fields
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2024

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) has become one of the most popular code editors due to its versatility, performance, and the extensive ecosystem of extensions that enhance its functionality. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, the right set of extensions can significantly improve your productivity and coding experience. Here are the top 5 best extensions for VS Code that you should consider adding to your toolkit:


Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It reads your code and revises it to adhere to a consistent style. It doesn’t take into account the function of your code, but instead the readability. It fixes indentation, spacing, alignment, line breaks, function definitions, and other aspects of code appearance.


  • Supports many languages including JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, CSS, HTML, and more.
  • Integrates with version control systems to ensure code is always formatted.
  • Configurable options for tab width, single/double quotes, trailing commas, etc.
  • Can be set to format code on save, which is a huge time-saver.

Why You Need It

Prettier helps maintain a consistent code style across your projects, making code reviews easier and reducing the mental load of formatting code manually.


ESLint is a pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript and TypeScript. Where a formatter looks for ugly code, a linter looks for syntactically incorrect code. Linters and formatter works together to ensure your code not only reads well but functions properly too.


  • Provides immediate feedback on syntax and style issues.
  • Integrates with Prettier to handle both code formatting and linting.
  • Highly customizable with a plethora of plugins for different frameworks and libraries.
  • Helps enforce coding standards and best practices.

Why You Need It

ESLint helps you catch errors early in the development process and enforces coding standards, making your code more reliable and maintainable.

Better Comments

Better Comments is an extension that helps you create more human-friendly comments in your code.


  • Categorizes comments into different types such as alerts, queries, TODOs, and more.
  • Uses color coding to differentiate comment types, making them easier to read.
  • Supports customization to fit your specific needs and preferences.
  • Works with multiple languages, enhancing the readability of your codebase.

Why You Need It

Better Comments helps you create clear, organized, and visually distinct comments, which improves code readability and maintainability.


If you’re doing any development work then you’re almost certainly using Git to manage your codebase. GitLens supercharges the built-in Git capabilities of VS Code. It helps you visualize code authorship, explore changes, and gain insights into your Git repositories.


  • Provides a rich set of Git features directly in VS Code.
  • Annotates lines of code with Git blame information to show who made changes and when.
  • Powerful comparison tools for commits, branches, and files.
  • Seamless integration with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and other Git services.

Why You Need It

GitLens makes it easier to navigate and understand your project’s history, enabling better collaboration and quicker resolution of issues.


The Bookmarks extension allows you to mark specific lines in your code so that you can easily jump back to them later. It’s particularly useful for large projects where you might need to switch between different files and sections of code frequently. With Bookmarks, you can quickly navigate to important parts of your code without losing your place or wasting time scrolling.


  • Simple commands for adding and removing bookmarks.
  • Visual indicators next to line numbers.
  • Keyboard shortcuts to jump between bookmarks — great for power users.
  • Ability to add labels for context.

Why You Need It

Navigating through large codebases can be a daunting task, especially when you need to jump between various sections of code frequently. The Bookmarks extension enables a powerful way to hop between areas of your code with minimal brain space work.


These top 5 VS Code extensions — Prettier, ESLint, Better Comments, GitLens, and Bookmarks — are essential tools for any developer looking to enhance their coding experience. They help you maintain code quality, streamline your workflow, and boost productivity. By integrating these extensions into your development environment, you can focus more on writing great code and less on managing your tools.

Read about the best programming languages to boost your career here!

