Measuring Engineering Productivity

The Value of Focusing on Engineering Productivity

O'Reilly Media
11 min readJan 5, 2021


Editor’s Note: In this excerpt from Software Engineering at Google, Ciera Jaspen, Google’s Tech Lead Manager of Engineer Productivity Research, reviews the organizational value and importance of measuring engineering productivity at Google. We’d love to hear from you about what you think about this piece.

Google is a data-driven company. We back up most of our products and design decisions with hard data. The culture of data-driven decision making, using appropriate metrics, has some drawbacks, but overall, relying on data tends to make most decisions objective rather than subjective, which is often a good thing. Collecting and analyzing data on the human side of things, however, has its own challenges. Specifically, within software engineering, Google has found that having a team of specialists focus on engineering productivity itself to be very valuable and important as the company scales and can leverage insights from such a team.

Why Should We Measure Engineering Productivity?

Let’s presume that you have a thriving business (e.g., you run an online search engine), and you want to increase your business’s scope (enter into the enterprise application market, or the cloud market, or the mobile market). Presumably, to increase the scope of your business, you’ll need to also increase the size of your engineering organization. However, as organizations grow in size linearly, communication costs grow quadratically.¹ Adding more people will be necessary to increase the scope of your business, but the communication overhead costs will not scale linearly as you add additional personnel. As a result, you won’t be able to scale the scope of your business linearly to the size of your engineering organization.

There is another way to address our scaling problem, though: we could make each individual more productive. If we can increase the productivity of individual engineers in the organization, we can increase the scope of our business without the commensurate increase in communication overhead.

Google has had to grow quickly into new businesses, which has meant learning how to make our engineers more productive. To do this, we needed to understand what makes them productive, identify inefficiencies in our engineering processes, and fix the identified problems. Then, we would repeat the cycle as needed in a continuous improvement loop. By doing this, we would be able to scale our engineering organization with the increased demand on it.

However, this improvement cycle also takes human resources. It would not be worthwhile to improve the productivity of your engineering organization by the equivalent of 10 engineers per year if it took 50 engineers per year to understand and fix productivity blockers. Therefore, our goal is to not only improve software engineering productivity, but to do so efficiently.

At Google, we addressed these trade-offs by creating a team of researchers dedicated to understanding engineering productivity. Our research team includes people from the software engineering research field and generalist software engineers, but we also include social scientists from a variety of fields, including cognitive psychology and behavioral economics. The addition of people from the social sciences allows us to not only study the software artifacts that engineers produce, but to also understand the human side of software development, including personal motivations, incentive structures, and strategies for managing complex tasks. The goal of the team is to take a data-driven approach to measuring and improving engineering productivity.

In this piece, we walk through how our research team achieves this goal. This begins with the triage process: there are many parts of software development that we can measure, but what should we measure? After a project is selected, we walk through how the research team identifies meaningful metrics that will identify the problematic parts of the process. Finally, we look at how Google uses these metrics to track improvements to productivity.

Triage: Is It Even Worth Measuring?

Before we decide how to measure the productivity of engineers, we need to know when a metric is even worth measuring. The measurement itself is expensive: it takes people to measure the process, analyze the results, and disseminate them to the rest of the company. Furthermore, the measurement process itself might be onerous and slow down the rest of the engineering organization. Even if it is not slow, tracking progress might change engineers’ behavior, possibly in ways that mask the underlying issues. We need to measure and estimate smartly; although we don’t want to guess, we shouldn’t waste time and resources measuring unnecessarily.

At Google, we’ve come up with a series of questions to help teams determine whether it’s even worth measuring productivity in the first place. We first ask people to describe what they want to measure in the form of a concrete question; we find that the more concrete people can make this question, the more likely they are to derive benefit from the process. When the readability team approached us, its question was simple: are the costs of an engineer going through the readability process worth the benefits they might be deriving for the company?

We then ask them to consider the following aspects of their question:

  • What result are you expecting, and why?
  • If the data supports your expected result, what action will be taken?
  • If we get a negative result, will appropriate action be taken?
  • Who is going to decide to take action on the result, and when would they do it?

By asking these questions, we find that in many cases, measurement is simply not worthwhile…and that’s OK! There are many good reasons to not measure the impact of a tool or process on productivity.

When you are successful at measuring your software process, you aren’t setting out to prove a hypothesis correct or incorrect; success means giving a stakeholder the data they need to make a decision. If that stakeholder won’t use the data, the project is always a failure. We should only measure a software process when a concrete decision will be made based on the outcome. For the readability team, there was a clear decision to be made. If the metrics showed the process to be beneficial, they would publicize the result. If not, the process would be abolished. Most important, the readability team had the authority to make this decision.

Selecting Meaningful Metrics with Goals and Signals

After we decide to measure a software process, we need to determine what metrics to use. Clearly, lines of code (LOC) won’t do,² but how do we actually measure engineering productivity?

At Google, we use the Goals/Signals/Metrics (GSM) framework to guide metrics creation.

  • A goal is a desired end result. It’s phrased in terms of what you want to understand at a high level and should not contain references to specific ways to measure it.
  • A signal is how you might know that you’ve achieved the end result. Signals are things we would like to measure, but they might not be measurable themselves.
  • A metric is proxy for a signal. It is the thing we actually can measure. It might not be the ideal measurement, but it is something that we believe is close enough.

The GSM framework encourages several desirable properties when creating metrics. First, by creating goals first, then signals, and finally metrics, it prevents the streetlight effect. The term comes from the full phrase “looking for your keys under the streetlight”: if you look only where you can see, you might not be looking in the right place. With metrics, this occurs when we use the metrics that we have easily accessible and that are easy to measure, regardless of whether those metrics suit our needs. Instead, GSM forces us to think about which metrics will actually help us achieve our goals, rather than simply what we have readily available.

Second, GSM helps prevent both metrics creep and metrics bias by encouraging us to come up with the appropriate set of metrics, using a principled approach, in advance of actually measuring the result. Consider the case in which we select metrics without a principled approach and then the results do not meet our stakeholders’ expectations. At that point, we run the risk that stakeholders will propose that we use different metrics that they believe will produce the desired result. And because we didn’t select based on a principled approach at the start, there’s no reason to say that they’re wrong! Instead, GSM encourages us to select metrics based on their ability to measure the original goals. Stakeholders can easily see that these metrics map to their original goals and agree, in advance, that this is the best set of metrics for measuring the outcomes.

Finally, GSM can show us where we have measurement coverage and where we do not. When we run through the GSM process, we list all our goals and create signals for each one. As we will see in the examples, not all signals are going to be measurable — and that’s OK! With GSM, at least we have identified what is not measurable. By identifying these missing metrics, we can assess whether it is worth creating new metrics or even worth measuring at all.

The important thing is to maintain traceability. For each metric, we should be able to trace back to the signal that it is meant to be a proxy for and to the goal it is trying to measure. This ensures that we know which metrics we are measuring and why we are measuring them.


A goal should be written in terms of a desired property, without reference to any metric. By themselves, these goals are not measurable, but a good set of goals is something that everyone can agree on before proceeding onto signals and then metrics.

To make this work, we need to have identified the correct set of goals to measure in the first place. This would seem straightforward: surely the team knows the goals of their work! However, our research team has found that in many cases, people forget to include all the possible trade-offs within productivity, which could lead to mismeasurement.

Teams forget core trade-offs all the time when measuring: they become so focused on improving velocity that they forget to measure quality (or vice versa). To combat this, our research team divides productivity into five core components. These five components are in trade-off with one another, and we encourage teams to consider goals in each of these components to ensure that they are not inadvertently improving one while driving others downward. To help people remember all five components, we use the mnemonic “QUANTS”:

Quality of the code
What is the quality of the code produced? Are the test cases good enough to prevent regressions? How good is an architecture at mitigating risk and changes?

Attention from engineers
How frequently do engineers reach a state of flow? How much are they distracted by notifications? Does a tool encourage engineers to context switch?

Intellectual complexity
How much cognitive load is required to complete a task? What is the inherent complexity of the problem being solved? Do engineers need to deal with unnecessary complexity?

Tempo and velocity
How quickly can engineers accomplish their tasks? How fast can they push their releases out? How many tasks do they complete in a given timeframe?

How happy are engineers with their tools? How well does a tool meet engineers’ needs? How satisfied are they with their work and their end product? Are engineers feeling burned out?


A signal is the way in which we will know we’ve achieved our goal. Not all signals are measurable, but that’s acceptable at this stage. There is not a 1:1 relationship between signals and goals. Every goal should have at least one signal, but they might have more. Some goals might also share a signal.


Metrics are where we finally determine how we will measure the signal. Metrics are not the signal themselves; they are the measurable proxy of the signal. Because they are a proxy, they might not be a perfect measurement. For this reason, some signals might have multiple metrics as we try to triangulate on the underlying signal. Additionally, some signals might not have any associated metric because the signal might simply be unmeasurable at this time.

Following the GSM framework is a great way to clarify the goals for why you are measuring your software process and how it will actually be measured. However, it’s still possible that the metrics selected are not telling the complete story because they are not capturing the desired signal. At Google, we use qualitative data to validate our metrics and ensure that they are capturing the intended signal.

Using Data to Validate Metrics

Quantitative metrics are useful because they give you power and scale. You can measure the experience of engineers across the entire company over a large period of time and have confidence in the results. However, they don’t provide any context or narrative. Quantitative metrics don’t explain why an engineer chose to use an antiquated tool to accomplish their task, or why they took an unusual workflow, or why they circumvented a standard process. Only qualitative studies can provide this information, and only qualitative studies can then provide insight on the next steps to improve a process.

Taking Action and Tracking Results

Recall our original goal in this piece: we want to take action and improve productivity. After performing research on a topic, the team at Google always prepares a list of recommendations for how we can continue to improve. We might suggest new features to a tool, improving latency of a tool, improving documentation, removing obsolete processes, or even changing the incentive structures for the engineers. Ideally, these recommendations are “tool driven”: it does no good to tell engineers to change their process or way of thinking if the tools do not support them in doing so. We instead always assume that engineers will make the appropriate trade-offs if they have the proper data available and the suitable tools at their disposal.


At Google, we’ve found that staffing a team of engineering productivity specialists has widespread benefits to software engineering; rather than relying on each team to chart its own course to increase productivity, a centralized team can focus on broad-based solutions to complex problems. Such “human-based” factors are notoriously difficult to measure, and it is important for experts to understand the data being analyzed given that many of the trade-offs involved in changing engineering processes are difficult to measure accurately and often have unintended consequences. Such a team must remain data driven and aim to eliminate subjective bias.


[1]: Frederick P. Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering (New York: Addison-Wesley, 1995).

[2]: “From there it is only a small step to measuring ‘programmer productivity’ in terms of ‘number of lines of code produced per month.’ This is a very costly measuring unit because it encourages the writing of insipid code, but today I am less interested in how foolish a unit it is from even a pure business point of view. My point today is that, if we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as ‘lines produced’ but as ‘lines spent’: the current conventional wisdom is so foolish as to book that count on the wrong side of the ledger.” Edsger Dijkstra, on the cruelty of really teaching computing science, EWD Manuscript 1036.

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Ciera Jaspen is the tech lead manager of the Engineering Productivity Research within Developer Infrastructure at Google. The Eng Prod Research team brings a data-driven approach to business decisions around engineering productivity. They use a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to triangulate on measuring productivity. Ciera previously worked on Tricorder, Google’s static analysis platform. She received her B.S. in Software Engineering from Cal Poly and her Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon, where she worked with Jonathan Aldrich on cost-effective static analysis and software framework design.



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