Why Does Creativity Matter In The Church? 

Here is a hint…it has a lot to do with you! 

Stephen Brewster
2 min readMay 6, 2014

I believe that creativity in the church matters.

It matters because Creativity Is An Expression Of God’s Plan. He created the earth and He created you to be creative. He gave you the gifts required to create and the mind that works creatively to solve mysteries.

Creativity matters in the church because it is Important. If it was valuable enough for God to use creativity to form the earth, and He could have formed it any way He wanted, don’t you think it matters to have it represented in our meetings, ministries, and mission? The bible says “In the beginning God CREATED the Heavens and the earth.” The creativity that God has entrusted you to steward is not an after thought, or the just the design, or the sounds of instruments… our churches need creativity at the center of their DNA from the beginning.

Creativity matters in the church because Creativity Is Necessary because creativity creates solutions. Our biggest problems, challenges, and opportunities are waiting on creativity to solve, develop, and enhance our churches. Creativity is the equalizer. It is powerful and it can generate momentum. Engage your creativity to solve problems and keep your church developing.

Creativity is important in church and it must be protected because it’s under attack. There is never enough time, resources, people, or money. Margin is valuable. Great and engaged creativity takes intentionality. It requires margin to be created. Ideas are plentiful but amazing execution of those ideas are a rare commodity. We have to protect the artists, the ideas, and the creative cultures that God intended for His church. We have to refuse to rinse and repeat because it is safe. We have to avoid the trap of comparison that kills creativity and tarnishes the soul of the artist.

Creativity is important in our churches because God created and loves the artists that are creating in the church. That is you and me. He has a plan, He is in control and He is ready for us to be brave and create with passion. Are you ready?



Stephen Brewster

Encourage & Equip People To Be Their Best. // Leadership // Creativity // Married // Kids // Hustle //