Annmarie Skin Care
Organic Skin Care Blog
5 min readJun 24, 2017


Original post from NaturalHealth365

The lymphatic system is responsible for neutralizing toxins and purifying the body, all while transporting a precious cargo of infection-fighting cells. It is an integral part of the immune system yet, this life-sustaining group of nodes, glands and organs, is often overlooked or taken for granted.

The truth is: a variety of factors — including poor diet, exposure to toxins, food allergies and sedentary lifestyle — can create an excess of waste and debris in the lymph, or lymphatic system fluid. The result is a sluggish or congested lymphatic system, which can set the stage for respiratory infections, ear and sinus infections, edema and swollen glands — which can affect the overall health of your immune system.

Improve Your Lymphatic System — Naturally

Fortunately, the holistic techniques — which will be highlighted in this article — can help you unclog, stimulate and purify your lymph system naturally.


Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system lacks a propulsive center, or pump. Instead, lymph is moved via the relaxation and contraction of muscles and joints. You can stimulate circulation and help propel lymph throughout the body by jumping on a trampoline for 10 to 30 minutes.

If you don’t have access to a trampoline, never fear: using a jump rope or doing jumping jacks is also effective. You’ll notice that the jumping up and down (in a relaxed fashion) will really energize your entire body. (that’s the benefit of moving your lymph.)

Eat Raw, Organic Foods

You can help clear a congested lymphatic system by raising your consumption of raw foods — particularly fruits and vegetables, which have naturally-occurring enzymes that help clear toxins and promote their exit from the body.

Fruits and vegetables also raise the water level in the body and help to hydrate it, while their healthy amounts of fiber promote intestinal function, making it easier for intestinal fluids to migrate to lymph nodes. Also, raw foods tend to be alkaline, helping to neutralize pathogens and relieve the burden on the lymph. (of course, try to remember to chew well)

In addition, at the same time, try to reduce consumption of lymph-clogging dairy, sugar, gluten and processed foods. You’ll probably notice a nice surge in your energy level.

Stay Hydrated

As the lymphatic system is 95 percent water, it is important to avoid becoming dehydrated. Experts advise drinking half your weight in ounces of water a day. Remember, not all water is created equal — so (if possible) drink pure spring water or purified water to reduce your toxic burden.

For added health benefits, use fresh (organic) lemon juice to flavor the water, and take advantage of this citrus fruit’s amazing benefits, along with its vitamin C content.

Turn Things Upside Down

Use an inversion table, which allows you to be suspended upside down while strapped in by the feet.

Being in this unusual position can help promote free-flowing lymph. Use a quality inversion table with a safety strap to control the angle of inversion and safety locks to hold it in place.

Herbal Assistance

Herbs can enhance the lymphatic system by improving lymphatic flow and drainage and facilitating removal of toxins. Galium aparine — also known as cleavers — is a safe and time-honored lymphatic tonic, valued for removing and draining trapped bacteria from lymph glands when taking internally. Talk to a holistic practitioner about the right herbal lymphatic for your body.

Recommended Reading:

How to Make Reishi Mushroom Tincture for Lifelong Immunity
Read This if You Want to Understand How to Detox (Plus, Herbs That Can Help)
Your Self Esteem on Yoga

Dry Brushing

Using a brush with coarse bristles, gently brush the skin in the direction of the heart. Although you may feel silly doing this, experts say it stimulates circulation and encourages the movement of lymph.

By the way, dry brushing can be particularly helpful in breaking down deposits of cellulite caused by a sluggish lymphatic system.

Proteolytic Enzymes

Utilized in the body to break down proteins and aid in digestion and metabolism, enzymes can help dissolve and clear away toxic accumulations in both the lymph and the blood, promoting lymphatic drainage and stimulating the immune system.

You can take them as a supplement or obtain them through diet by eating foods like papaya, which contains the enzyme papain, and pineapple, which contains bromelain.

Lymphatic Massage

Designed to stimulate the flow of lymph and drainage of toxins, specialized lymphatic massage uses gentle pressure and rhythmic circular motions. You can also perform a do-it-yourself version by gently massaging the lymph nodes under your jaw.

According to a 2009 review published in The Journal of Manual Manipulative Therapy, lymphatic drainage massage facilitated removal of waste products in the lymphatic system and helped to reduce edema.

Avoid Constrictive Clothing

This applies particularly to underwire bras, which can significantly interfere with lymphatic flow and drainage from lymph nodes located in the armpit and upper chest. Possible consequences of long-term use of constrictive clothing could include impairment of lymphatic function, fibrocystic breast tissue and even breast cancer. Better to be safe (and comfortable).


Yoga is a boon to the lymphatic system, as doing headstands, handstands and shoulder stands significantly stimulate flow. If these aren’t practical for you, raising your legs and placing them to the wall are a good alternate option.

The general contraction and relaxation of muscles in yoga poses promotes beneficial flow of lymph. Yoga poses that involve rotation of the abdomen can be particularly effective, as twisting the abdomen squeezes organs and muscles and causes lymph to flow from the tissues.

Obviously, these are all just suggestions. Find what feels good to you and get started today. Your body (and mind) will thank you for it.

Immune Health Summit from Natural Health 365

If this information is interesting to you and you would like to know more, check out the Immune Defense Summit!
Beginning on July 24 2017, this 7-day, FREE online event, hosted by Jonathan Landsman will forever change the way we view disease and healthcare. The summit will feature 36 world-class experts in integrative medicine and science.

Click here to reserve your FREE spot today!

Have you signed up for the Defense Summit? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

The following post 9 Ways to Naturally Improve Your Immune System (Plus a Free Workshop) was first published on Annmarie Skin Care.



Annmarie Skin Care
Organic Skin Care Blog

We’re an organic skincare company located in Berkeley, California. Women should look and feel beautiful without harmful toxins.