Organization is a huge part of my everyday life as well as my life at work. This falls into my philosophy at work because if a work place is not organized it cannot be successful, there must be some sort of system in order for things to run properly. Everyone in a workplace will benefit from an organization system because then things will not get lost. This is especially true in an office where there is lots of files and paperwork, because whether they are online or on a computer they need to be kept neat, so that anyone who needs them can easily find them at any time. Even if each person has their own way to organize, it will all come together in a more organized system. I already know that the skill comes naturally to some people and is difficult to master for others. Organization is also very different in every work environment, but each place has its own organization standards that will be learned through working.
I want to learn more about how to stay organized. For me, I will take time once a week to clean up and organize everything, but I really want to learn how to stop clutter from building up at all and make sure things aren’t only physically organized but also that mentally everything is put together. I am going to practice by observing what I do typically for my school work and then my actual work, and then I am going to start by making small changes to see how that affects the organization of things. I am also go to research other forms of organization and how people have gone about executing them successfully, and then try and implant them into my own life.