
Aligning the organization using 7 S model(Week-15)

It is a process to modify organizational system and structure for supporting the competitive strategy. 7 S is a process of strategic alignment.


It provides a common purpose for all employees and stake holder. Every company have their own strategy to run it and make it successful. It differentiate company from one another. For example company like Whatsapp and Hike who is providing the same service but different strategy. Whatsapp doesn’t use sticker like hike do which makes it different and people love to use it.

Superordinate goal:

It is considered to be more specific than a company’s mission. It is like a goal which company try to achieve more along with the common goal. For example let’s consider the share market one company tries to keep its share high so that they can make their company famous while other company loves to be in social media to become famous.


It is called to be formal reporting relationship which are usually represented in form of charts. It shows how company structure follows from top to bottom and how it signifies the company’s goal, value and strategy. In any organization where customer is placed on the top or considered as a priority will be considered as one of the best structure.


It is said to be flow of information through media (phone, internet), informal system (cultural practice), formal system (MIS) and informal connection among people (emergent network) should be aligned with the company’s strategy and policies. System should be relevant that it deliver proper and precise information throughout the company. There are categories of system which can be used with the category of strategy applicable to that system. For example quality assurance of certain product like food can be done by using strategy which includes tasting, checking allergic reaction and also calories.


This strategy includes hiring, maintaining workforce and giving job assignments to staff which makes company successful. Company should use special strategy to hire good employees and encourage employees with perks and bonuses. If staff is happy than company will be successful for sure.


Along with staffing good employees it is really important for employees to have good skills. There is a good example, an employee who is working in IT department of company should not only be proficient in IT skills but also should have interpersonal and communication skills. It can help him to progress and also he can help other department employee who need him for various IT issue. If he is not able to communicate with them properly than he is just not a good employee according to me.


In present world style means both organization style and cultural style. As we know a good example for such strategy is Facebook who allows employee to be comfortable in regards to clothes and working style. But it doesn’t mean that it gives freedom to employees for missing deadlines and not giving proper result. According to me if we give employees some freedom for clothes and schedule, it will help company to get success along with happy faces everywhere in company.

So If one company need to be successful follow the 7S strategy and see the result.

