Assignment-16 ( The End)

Social Network:

Social Network is a movie that is only created for Facebook addicts like me. I really love the movie and I am a big fan of Mark. I really don’t care if he was portrayed as a person who steals the idea and made Facebook. When it comes to organization structure and about the class I think Mark as a CEO has done almost everything, but he should at least include Eduardo in his planning about the company and how he will make the company successful. Because Eduardo was the one who gave him the algorithm and also provided with the fund which is one of the important assets which can help a company to reach new heights. But as per the idea stealing which is shown in the movie is a foolish part because according to me if you have an idea and you didn’t take any steps to make it real and other do it than it is your fault. I really support Mark about what he did to make Facebook. But in present time people use it in wrong way. They think Facebook is a place where they can share everything about themselves which make them look cool but they are wrong. As per the top security officials exposing oneself too much on social networking sites makes you vulnerable and you can be attacked easily and get hacked. And also, people use to harass and post explicit contents on Facebook which makes it inadequate for children and teens to use. My question for all is how we can avoid such things on Facebook and use it wisely?

End of Semester Reflection:

When I first started the course I guess it will be same like other humanities course which will include a lot of reading and papers. But I am really pleased that I took this course. It taught me a lot about the organization, its structure and how it functions. I learned a lot about how communication is important when comes to communicating with your boss or coworkers. Now I understood why along with technical skills all the job requires communication skills too. Then also I learned about the management approaches and also most importantly Fayol’s management model. In a later chapter we discussed the centrality of power, I have faced such powers in my workplace but didn’t know what it is called and it gave me a clear picture of the term power in the workplace. I really love to write about the blog of “Tell me about yourself “I learned a lot from other people’s blog about introducing oneself and how it differs in various scenarios. Further, we learned about different leaderships and how it differs from organization to organization. This is the best class when it comes to learning about the organization and its functions. I really like about the class is movies because visual learning is better for me than to read books and go through it. I am glad my professor suggested me this course and I am happy that I am graduating with some real life knowledge.

