
I don’t have a huge presence online. I do have a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, snap chat, tumblr, and phhhoto. These are all forms of social media. I don’t post everyday and don’t see it as a job to post my thoughts and opinions. However, I am on these social media sites multiple times a day retweeting, liking, and sharing. Although I don’t have a large presence online I do look at others tweets, statuses, stories, pictures, and posts. In the morning right when I wake up my first thing I do is grab my phone and hop on Twitter or snapchat. I think I go to these apps so often because they are on my home screen so it’s very easy to access. Also because social media is a way to stay connected with the world. I read breaking news through tweets or read articles posted on Facebook. Some people I follow on Twitter would be classified as twitterphiles. They are posting rants one after another, tweeting up to 20 times a day. But sports fan irritate me more on Twitter than twitterphiles. I love sports but I avoid Twitter whenever there is a game on. I avoid it because my feed is filled with similar ideas from multiple people one after another. I hate seeing it all plastered down my feed and don’t understand the need to give your followers a play by play of a game. Sometimes I think it’s just so these people can prove they know the game and the players.

Many celebrities and high profile people have social media accounts. With that they have a large following base. When a celebrity is arguing with another person many people see it and talk about it. It’s stirs up conflict and drama that many people on social media feed off of. Kim Kardashians recent nude mirror picture stirred up a lot of controversy. Other celebrities gave their opinions and thoughts on this photo. Some comments bashed Kim for sending out the wrong message to fans and followers. As a result Kim tweeted back at them which could be considered a “Twitter war.” She went back and forth with other celebrites and the rest of the Twitter world watched it all happen. If they wern’t following Kim on Twitter they can easily have found the fight on the trending page. Social media makes it easy to find current events quickly. Donald trump is another example of someone who doesn’t hold anything back on social media sites like Twitter. His tweets can and may have led to ethical issues in his campaign. He tweets his opinions but these thoughts can sometimes be so harsh and offensive. Social media has allowed citizens to learn more about celebrities’ and high profile profiles’ ideas. This connection to high profile people would never be around if social media sites like Twitter and snapchat weren’t created.

