
Systems Perspective on organization (Week 5 & 6)

Oceans Eleven is my all-time favorite movie. I love the plot played by artist Danny Ocean to rob three casinos. According to Karl Weick’s sense-making model which includes: enactment, selection and retention. In one scene where Danny meets Rusty and how they get the blue prints of casino layout which they are trying to rob is a great example of enactment. Also they recruited 9 people and they plan to put the plan in motion by enacting the future plan. Second thing is selection, where Danny and Rusty try to recruit the best people who have mastery in their own field. They selected people like car dealer, pick-pocket, and weaponry dealer with their mastery. Lastly for retention, Danny tried to lure people by telling them about the money they will get after robbery which increases the greed of the selected people and secondly he talks about the revenge he is planning to take. This is how the scene in the movie can be compared with three main parts of Karl’s model.

This is my family model which is think is somewhat similar to a company and also I have seen Samreen’s model, I have somewhat similar to her. In my model my father is the only one who is earning and supporting family and he is CEO of home. While mom is HR manager who takes care of home and kids like in one company HR department use to carry out all operations like benefits and recruitments. We are like employee who have to make most out of parents working and earning. We have to benefit our family from our work and studies. It is similar to company where employees work and make company successful. Also for as a son I will have responsibility to take care of family and become a future CEO or future head. So my family structure is almost similar to a company’s organization and their work.

Five most important features which we can understand from Peter Senge’s model of Learning Organizations are.

1 Systems thinking: It explains that for a success of company people are interdependent on each other. It claims that for one member to be successful all member should succeed.

2 Personal Mastery: All members of organization must share a personal commitment for learning.

3 Flexible mental model: In learning organization, members are allowed to first understand the company changes by themselves and they efforts are made to make guide their mental model to change their thinking accordingly.

4 A shared vision: In learning organizations, tight hierarchical control is replaced by “concertive control” (Tompkins & Cheney, 1985), where member should act like they working in sync with all and share a common organization goal.

5 Team learning: It leads to communicate with team members and work to get effective decisions. It is a key thing towards team learning and working efficiently.

I think I work with an organization with systems thinking and a shared vision. We always work towards getting a common goal which is only one that is company’s success. Also all our departments and teams are dependent on each other for daily work.

