The Big Bad Wolf — — Hear No Tears

Quality of Life

To begin, I would like to talk a little bit about the quality of life that should be expected, but quiet often, are not met. Poverty is no secret, it is shown across news broadcasts around the world, but how does poverty happen? Can we blame laziness? Sure, there will always be lazy human beings that create their own poverty related issues, but laziness is not the biggest reason for poverty. Another question may come up is when speaking in regards to the quality of life, why am I speaking about poverty? Well, poverty comes from a person or persons not being able to meet an acceptable level of quality of life. Moving forward, like just mentioned, poverty creates a low quality of life. This is huge considering that a large portion of the world lives in poverty. This also means that a large planet of society lives with low quality of life. This is bad. Through watching The Corporation, a great deal of exposure was put on just how corrupt corporations are and the exposure was directed majorly on how little care they have for the quality of life they exhibit. For instance, at one part of the movie, they speak to a little girl who works in one of the factories. In this instance, she solely provides for 8 family members, she is 14 years old. It is stated that she works for enough money to buy rice for the family so that they do not starve. The corporations are content with this because at least she is not starving and she is living at or a little better than without the corporations being there. The native people where the corporations set up shop consider the corporations to be a godsend. This is because yes, they are improving the quality of life for them, but is it right that they are letting them claim to such a low quality? I do not think so. Why are they selling jackets for $200 but paying less than a $1 to make it? It is such bullshit if you ask me. Quality of life should be held on such a higher level than what it is. The reason why the world is in such scrambles is relating back towards the 1% being okay with letting the poor suffer and accepting the fact that they are living in the clouds based on the suffrage of the many. I absolutely applaud those who have spoken against and have turned back against the corporations to make a better earth which we all coexist.

I know that my entry this week solely speaks about quality of life and poverty caused and more of upheld by corporations, this topic just really speaks to me personally. A lot of my family is not made of money, and usually it is because of unfortunate events that they cannot come back from. One family member in particular works for a major corporation. He has worked there for 16 years, but still gets worked 14+ hours a day or gets threatened with being fired and replaced if he complains about it. If it can get even this bad here in the U.S., just imagine how bad it gets in other country's where they are working in legit sweat shops, I just feel so bad for them, but the corporation is here to stay. As the video points out, corporations are more powerful than governments. There is no stopping them now.

~Steve Burnette

