Week 9: Myths, Metaphors & Stories

A myth is a “traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or event, with or without determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation” (dictionary.com). Myths are important sources of power and ideology because they cause a certain emotion in people. Some myths, usually about gods or goddesses, make people want to me like them or act like them. Even if some of these myths do not have any basis of fact people still believe them to be true. I think this is very bad when it comes to power. Some myths can be bad and cause people to do whatever they in order to have power. This can be in organizations, government, or every day life. When reading about myths and power it reminded about the Harry Potter series. Specifically, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I when Hermione tells the story of the Three Brothers. Voldemort believed this story so much that he was willing to kill for it. He wanted to be the master of death and so he used his power to get it. That is one example of why I think myths can be bad when power is involved. I included a clip of the movie and the story of the Three Brothers.

A metaphor is a “figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance” (dictionary.com). When I think of metaphors and power I think they reflect how the public thinks of a certain company or product. For example, I have heard the metaphor that Spirit Airlines is like the yellow starburst of Airline companies because its no one’s favorite. This metaphor gives little power to Spirit Airlines. It puts in people’s minds that they are a bad airline company whether they really are or not. Due to the fact that Spirit Airlines doesn’t have much power in the airline industry things like this will be said.

A story is “an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment” (dictionary.com). I think stories are big sources of power and ideology because they can give a positive view of the organization. When people hear a good story about a company it makes them want to support that company. I think the book had a good example of the story about Southwest and how they give their employees a little more power on what they think is the best decision. This gives Southwest power in gaining new employees who want to work in a more carefree workplace. The story gives power to their ideology of having a great organizational culture. The example that I thought of was TOMs shoes. For every pair of TOMs shoe that you purchase the company donates a pair of shoes to a child in need. TOMs motto is One for one. I found a great story about TOMs shoes that I think adds to the power of their mission. You can read the story here. I think this story is so powerful that it will cause people to buy a pair of TOMs shoes in order to help those in need. Personally, I have three pairs of TOMs shoes and I love the fact that I can help children around the world just by buying a pair of shoes.

In conclusion myths, metaphors, and stories are all sources of power because they add some type of value to a person or organization. This value is either bad or good. The power of myths and stories especially can cause emotions. People then act on those emotions and can either support an organization or not support it. Bad stories about a company can decrease the power they have. An organization’s main goal is to attract customers and make a profit. With good stories, myths, and metaphors comes more profits and with bad comes a decrease in customers and profits.

What stories have you heard about an organization? Did the story give the organization more power? Why or why not

