Social Media Ambassadors

Jeff Swift
Organizer Sandbox
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2016

The problem:

You’ve got a pretty solid social media game, but you’re not quite sure what good it’s doing you. Sometimes people retweet or like your posts, but . . . who cares?

The solution:

A Social Media Ambassadors program

Over the next few days we’ll be introducing an SMA program. This email will introduce the basic principles, the next email will go over recruiting strategies, and the third email will give tips for how to take put your SMA team into action.

The basics:

As powerful as it is to get social media updates from you (and it is very powerful), it’s also important for potential voters/donors to hear about you from their peers.

And you should be helping their peers know what to say.

The underlying assumption of a Social Media Ambassadors program is there are people who want to help your campaign but don’t know how. If you just give these folks something concrete to do, they’d happily help out.

And the concrete thing you can ask them to do is share specific things on social media.

Sometimes you’ll ask them to share content from you and your campaign: a post/page from your website, an opinion piece in a local paper, your newest campaign video. You’ll occasionally ask them to retweet a particular tweet of yours, or comment on a particular Facebook post.

Sometimes you’ll ask them to share relevant content that you didn’t create: the endorsement of a local paper, a news story that proves your point, a poignant meme.

Periodically, you’ll need to make sure your SMA team knows you appreciate the great work you’re doing. Give some statistics (you all drove 2,467 people to our website yesterday alone!) and tell a story (after the 145 comments on the campaign’s clean air post last week, I had a journalist call up and want to do an interview with me to learn how I was getting so many people involved — thank you!!)

Originally published at



Jeff Swift
Organizer Sandbox

PhD in Communication, Rhetoric, & Digital Media. Democracy junkie. Father of three.