Welcome to Organizing by Nature

A liminal conversation on the evolution of work across heritage and disruption.

Stelio Verzera
Organizing by Nature
2 min readFeb 2, 2020


This article is part of the Organizing by Nature publication. If you like it, please share the publication with anybody interested in this conversation.

It’s been a few centuries of organizational science and techniques. Over a century of management theory and practice. A few decades of adaptive organizational design experiments and conversations. And, of course, a few years now of fads and trendy marketing operations involving new organizational “models”, “solutions”, colors and certifications.

Nevertheless, we are indeed living a time of deep socio-technical evolution. We’ve been weaving our understandings and worldviews for a long time now, and we are getting ready to actualize them into something that to our eyes may indeed look very new. And yet, it is incredibly ancient.

Reality organizes itself continuously. What we call Nature is the result of life’s continuous patterning, of its flows of energy into ever-evolving forms. Within Nature, that scope of the Universe we call Mankind makes no difference. We organize our way through time at many scales, we form our organizational vehicles, their dynamics and structures, we live them, and get in-formed back through them in a trans-contextual dance of interdependent ecosystems within ecosystems. We evolve who we are through our organizing. We are Nature dancing with herself.

Separation is an illusion. The time for understanding interbeing has come. For us industrialized “modern” Westerners. All the rest of ancient cultures and pretty much any religion have lived it since forever. There’s no need for research proving the efficacy of an organizational practice rooted in unleashing the best of the human spirit, focusing on the power of getting together, respecting and caring for the fragility, beauty, and sacredness of whole life. And there’s no more time.

We have done so much already, learned so much, over generations, across countries, disciplines, and sectors. Anthropology meets management theory, complexity science, organizational disciplines, biology, and art today, as they look at who we are while we use our tools to extend and evolve ourselves. Separation is an illusion. The time for thinking-boundaries is over. We want to contribute to this beautiful moment in history with a playground, a space for the care-full wanderer.

You are very welcome to this liminal conversation we call Organizing by Nature.

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Stelio is a curious and active contributor to the global community evolving the concept and practice of work in this decade. If you’d like to know more about him, start here.



Stelio Verzera
Organizing by Nature

Earthwalker. Serenity gardener. Fostering #openness and #ecothinking @CocoonPro. #people #evolution #work #life #passion www.organizing.love