Organic Foods- the Only Escape from Toxins

Orgpick Pvt Ltd
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2018

Organic food products are gradually giving us a new way of life. With the fast pace of chemicals engulfing every sphere of our life, organic food products seem to be the only rescuer. Organic food products industry has slowly gained a good momentum and is it comes in a variety of things like organic spices, organic cereals, organic oils, and much more.

Here are some of the top reasons why you should switch to organic food products:

1)Organic Food is Rich in Nutrients:

Organic food is nutritious than conventional foods as it is grown on organic farms through traditional methods. Organic food farming does not involve the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.

2)Organic Food is Free of Dangerous Pesticides:

Organic food is a healthier option as it is developed without the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Such chemicals are often a cause of dangerous diseases like cancer, leukemia, infertility, and so on. Organic food is produced through conventional methods and it is safer for consumption.

3)Organic Food is Free of GMOs:

GMO foods are often linked with organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Organic foods are made out of natural seeds and fertilizers thus making it a healthy option for people as they are free of GMO seeds.

4)Organic Food is Free of harmful preservatives or additives:

Organic foods are healthier and tastier as they are free of harmful chemical preservatives and artificial taste enhancers. Organic food is also free from the maligned protein, Gluten. Organic foods are in fact tastier and nutritious and you won’t get enough of it once you switch to organic foods.

5)Organic Foods are overall cheaper than Normal Foods:

Organic foods as a whole cost you less than the conventional food items. Organic food being healthy protects you against many dangerous diseases thus saving you from additional health care costs or extra leaves from your office.

Eat Organic for Healthy Life



Orgpick Pvt Ltd

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