You Are feeding Poison to your Child! Pesticides (Non-organic food)

Orgpick Pvt Ltd
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2018

1.Causes Diseases: Depression is one of the significant problems for young age people and most of the young people suffer from this health complication. Young is not very serious to take which kinds of foods are helpful for health. But they need to be careful of this fact also. When they consume non-organic foods massively, they may face this kind of health problem.

2.Birth Defects: There is no time more nutritionally demanding in a woman’s life than her pregnancy and breastfeeding stages when the intake of nutrients is needed, not only to keep her body running, but also to nourish the rapidly growing baby. Proper nutrition makes a big difference — it prevents birth defects and builds a stronger brain and skeleton in the baby, setting it up for healthier weight later in life. Babys whose moms ate organic during pregnancy do not seem to have a lower risk of a birth defect.

3.Health issue: These toxic chemicals that are being put into the processing of our foods that we mainly eat today could be driving our society into a world of excess health issues. Switching to eating organic food items can easily reduce these health issues.

4.Inactive: Non-organic feeding disorders are a condition in which children show incorrect feeding behaviours such as selective intake, fear of feeding, low food intake or even food refusal, without underlying organic disease. Due to lack of nutrition nowadays, kids are highly inactive.

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