A (very) brief introduction to Org Topologies

Roland Flemm
Published in
5 min readNov 8, 2022


org topologies overview
image by Org Topologies

We (Alexey Krivitsky and Roland Flemm) are organizational consultants. We have been working for many years in many European companies and observed a large amount of organizational designs for product development. Our mission is: Help leaders of organizations to discover their vector for org development.


We see many organizations approach their organizational transformation as a project with a target end date. However, we believe it is an ongoing learning effort to get closer to some ideal state. This ideal state is a meta objective: Companies want to stay resilient for as long as possible in the face of competition and market changes. This means adapting continuously to a changing environment and being able to deliver innovative solutions. To be able to achieve this, we will need our organizational design to support and facilitate such an objective.

According to the annual State of Agile report, the main reason (64%) for adopting Agile is to enhance the ability to manage changing requirements and accelerate software delivery. 70% of the respondents acknowledge that there is a positive impact on management, visibility and alignment from adopting agile approaches. The…



Roland Flemm

Making the working place of software development less miserable