Bangalore’s Prime Furniture & Home Décor Vendor Increases Sales & Operational Efficiency With Orgzit CRM

Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2018
Beth Living Logo

Beth Lifestyle Private Limited is a modular home décor furniture brand in Steel and Stainless Steel. Beth Living products support a modern living inspired by a passion to create the most enduring alternative to the traditional home decor product. The idea of Beth actualized with inputs of different people from diverse backgrounds coming together, organizing their thoughts, exchanging ideas, and mutually agreeing on the proof of concept.

How did your business start? What is your focus area?

Beth Lifestyles has a rich founder background. With members from manufacturing, HR & other key industries, they started developing the product around 2012. During the course of the first two years (2012 & 2013), they developed the product, did a trial marketing round, tested the idea with a few customers they acquired, and finally
launched in full force in 2014. They collaborated with some renowned technology partners like Amada, 3M, Interpol who helped them make the product stronger.

How did you go about growing your business?

With good customer beta feedback, they began selling the product. Since they began as a product platform, their growth was a continuous process of evolution. When Franchise India came into the picture, they closed their first franchise deal in July 2014. It took them another year to close another deal. At the mark of 10 dealerships, they realized that all business units were working in silos, and their visibility into dealer processes started waning. That is when they anticipated the need for a software solution to grow their business.

What were the 3 specific challenges that you were facing managing dealers?

The first one would be getting dealers organized and aligning them with the industry best practices of sales approach. Then there was the monitoring the dealer performance, and then using software to keep track of billing.

How did you find out about Orgzit? Why did you choose over the other alternatives?

We tried SAP CRM, that didn’t work out for us because of few partner issues, and it failed to be convincing enough for us. We also evaluated Microsoft Dynamics 365, and there were few people who got in touch with us, but we were not fully satisfied with any of the other options before we met Orgzit.

Honestly, Google became the source. Since our processes were very fragmented, we initially decided to adopt a software solution. I remember I requested about 6–7 quotes from multiple software sites, including Orgzit. You guys took half an hour to call back. More power to you and your services! And amazingly, we thought we should widen our scope. With Orgzit, we were able to automate our processes to a large extent and implement just like we wanted. Today we are at the mark of 30+ dealerships, with Orgzit’s help.

How have you been able to better serve your customers?

Since adopting Orgzit, we have been continuously adding new ways to delight our customers. Some things we added to Orgzit CRM that have greatly improved our abilities to serve our customers include:

1/ Continuous updates on order progress are automatically shared via e-mail and SMS with both customers and dealers. This has significantly reduced the anxiety of timely deliveries for both our production team and the customers.

2/ Standardization of installation processes across dealer, this was possible due to seamless information sharing between dealer staff and our internal production & design teams

3/ Warranty Registration and improved aftersales services: Autolinking of customer complaints to orders help in quickly identifying the root cause of the problems and enables our staff to provide faster resolution to our customers’ post installation issues.

Anything you would like to add from your side?

Orgzit has been able to improve the speed in the area of sales order management, particularly which sales order to fast track to production, and handle all conversations in one place. It also helped in making the information more organized, and eventually makes lesser mistakes.

Orgzit has worked out really well for us. I have been continuously surprised to see the flexibility and scalability of Orgzit and are looking at powered more of our processes on Orgzit.

Company information:
CEO: George Thomas
Founded: 2012–13
Headquarters: Bangalore, India
Industry: Home Decor, Stainless Steel Furniture

Watch interview with George Thomas

Originally published at Orgzit Blog.



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