Here’s my (your) story of productivity!

Kartik Dulloo
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3 min readAug 10, 2017

I write this so that you can tell me where I am wrong :)

Hi, I am Kartik. I am a proud 21st century Indian Millennial.

I have only one reason to write this post -

I don’t learn lessons from the past, don’t take cue from the present, and don’t think much about the future.

I want people to know how have I taught myself productivity.

My mantra for life is Carpe Diem! I tend to think about tomorrow only if there is a customer whose deadline is approaching. So if you are in my place, it is very difficult to gather the metrics of productivity.

It is an exchange program that has been highly successful for me

So Why Am I Talking About How To Get Productive?

I have learnt to live dual lives — one as a growth hacker for Orgzit, and another as a son, brother and the 21st century millennial. I take what I have learnt from Orgzit and try to implement it in my life, and vice versa.

What Did Orgzit Teach Me?

· How to breed productivity within oneself

· How to nurture it

· How to make a habit out of it

How Did Orgzit Teach Me This?

**My previous workplace

At my previous workplace, my internal communication channel was Skype (not the business version). All the files and communication used to take place on that platform (with the occasional mail). We even had in-house developers who used to work hard to develop the backend for a robust CRM.

Then there was the Recruitment and the HR team who used to keep a ever growing (and dust accumulating) stack of Excel files which contained the candidate database.

My daily reporting was a tough and time consuming compilation of shared information from multiple communication and file sharing channels.

I didn’t care at that time. It was tough to compile that report but I took time at face value.

**My current workplace

When I started off, I knew the idea of getting all information together in one place might get a lot tricky.

So I started slow. I started keeping tab of my data on Orgzit (from work to personal)

and things started to change -

  • I realized until you change the status of that work item from ‘In progress’ to ‘Completed’, you feel like the day is not yet over.
  • I realized that information at one place is a good and less time consuming thing to have.
  • I realized that it pushes me forward to complete what I have assigned myself for that day.

Now since my growing association with Orgzit has made me an acute judge of the structure and features of other task management solutions, I believe I can tell you three things about Orgzit that might make you think twice about considering any other app -

  1. It is so customizable that you might start doing a lot more than just task management
  2. Our customers (mostly SMB owners) are using it as their customizable ERP for quite a number of use cases
  3. They like it.

I think all the ‘daily productive task activities’ blogposts that you read, you might be directly able to implement them in Orgzit.

I think I have made my point.


If you think this is something that might be of some help to increase your daily quota of productivity, ping me. I will make sure you will get the most of it.

P.S — Orgzit has a free user base upto 5 users!

