Keys to Success from UP alumni

Advice from fellow UP Pilots

University of Portland
Orientation #UP20


All month, UP is releasing articles to help the Class of 2020 hit the ground running when they move in. Check out our past blog posts here.

At UP’s Reunion in June, we asked alumni to offer some tips, anecdotes, and advice to the Class of 2020!

“Enjoy the social events!” — Allie ’16

“The people that we met our freshman year are our best friends!” — Jen, Jenny, Dianne, Susan, Chris and Jim ’86

“Go to class!” — John ’86

“Be passionate about what you study (and stay in school!)” — Trey ’11

“Respect your professors. Know what they taught you, what they are teaching you, and what they are going to teach you. If you follow this, you won’t need to study for finals — enjoy!” — George ’54

“Make life-long friends.” — Mark ‘84, Sue ’83, Natalie ’84

Want more advice?! Hear from more Pilots alumni here.



University of Portland
Orientation #UP20

University of Portland is a private Catholic college in Portland, OR. Ranked among the top master's universities nationwide, UP is home to apx. 3,800 students.