Stop Making Spirituality Your Hobby

It demands (and offers) so much more

Rami Dhanoa
Orient Yourself


One of the most powerful images in spiritual history is the exile of Moses into the desert. This scorching trial was his preparation for higher consciousness, which he experienced on Mount Sinai.

His suffering was the exhausting of his “self,” multiple times over, until he began to deepen his being into what is much more.

Anyone wanting to approach divinity must go through this test, because of all the things we’ve done that are diametrically opposed to it. Even Buddha spent 6 years nearly starving himself before he finally got illuminated!

Meanwhile in our self-help obsessed modernity that can’t shut up about how to be a better human, we might be totally missing the point of what it means to pursue this.

The core of the journey is the effort you take to outgrow your limitations. Effort then transcends itself entirely, and you let go to reach the limitless.

This is really difficult (even scary) to do.

Because awakening is all about abandoning the things we assume are stable, happiness-producing, and meaningful.

It’s why books like Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism become instant classics: the message that we really need to hear is often the…



Rami Dhanoa
Orient Yourself

Re-thinking human potential with meditation & Indic philosophy.