Western Civilization’s Irrational Fears Block Your Path To Lasting Happiness

Free yourself from its collective karma to find the treasure you’re carrying

Rami Dhanoa
Orient Yourself


Photo by Pavel Neznanov on Unsplash

To a more evolved species, human behavior could be reducible to one trait. And it’s not a very flattering one.

We use the entirety of our intelligence on satisfying our brain chemistries.

To find molecularly conditioned happiness—except this ends up being impermanent every single time.

And the world is changing so fast that “tradition,” or tested happiness-strategies that actually work, never got established in the West so we could get something deeper. Each generation being born today has less relatability to the previous one, thanks to runaway technology.

So I hope you understand the depth of what I’m about to say. I won’t shout it from a megaphone; you’ll have to listen closely.

Every single wisdom tradition of humanity; every lineage of yoga; each contemplative process ever developed by our species have all come to the same discovery.

The ultimate happiness can only be tasted when we free ourselves from chasing stimulation, to instead discover our liberated…



Rami Dhanoa
Orient Yourself

Re-thinking human potential with meditation & Indic philosophy.